hmm tht sounds easy umm guys is thre a way tht donald can use magic when v play as donald because u knw it isnt fun 2 play with donald who can only attack and his attacks dont do very much damage anyway
Play as Mickey(Hooded)(jokered to R2) D034D45C 0000FDFF 11CE0B68 0000005B Play as Mickey(Unhooded)(Jokered to L2) D034D45C 0000FEFF 11CE0B68 00000318 Play as Dual Wield Roxas 11CE0B68 00000323 Riku Code: Special Edition(Works best in HB/RG) 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 11CB8C9E 00000002 0032ED64 0000008A 2032F0AC 00020100 use this code with tha code above for it 2 take effect: DW Riku 21CE267C 003200A3 21CB8C4C 01000000 21CB8C94 00230001 21CB8C9C 0A000000 1032E020 00000029 11CD4B08 00000068 21CD5A48 58455F57 21CD5A4C 5F303130 21CD5A50 425F5852 21CD5A54 5F464C54 01CD5A58 0000004C oh and btw can some1 please port this 2 Final Mix Play as Mickey (and view cut-scenes) 40340C9C 00130001 03020109 00000000 00340C8C 00000004
well idk bt mayb no probabli because all tha game has thre own joker code so i dont thinkg tht tha joker code fr KH2FM will work on otr games oh and btw can some1 please port this 2 Final Mix Play as Mickey (and view cut-scenes) 40340C9C 00130001 03020109 00000000 00340C8C 00000004
Spoiler Play as Auron 20340CB4 10101003 Play as Aladdin 20340CB8 10101003 Play as the Beast 20340CA4 10100201 He can't get to the rest of the castle b/c he is so big he can't fit through the door, I am not joking, he's too big to get through the doors so he's stuck wherever he is loaded. Play as Jack Skellington 20340CD4 10101003 Play as Jack Sparrow 20340CDC 10101003 Play as Mulan 20340CBC 10101003 Play as Tron 20340CE0 10101003 He is completely useless, his attacks don't hurt the heartless Play as Donald with Goofy in Twilight Town E00086AD 102A8094. Play as goofy in all worlds (except Atlantica obviously) 40340C9C 00130001 10101002 00000000 Same basic rules, no reaction commands, no summons, no skateboarding, etc. However you CAN fight enemies and receive items! Play as Mickey with Riku in HB (Hold down L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle Circle as your walking into a new map) E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10100309 00000000 00340C8C 00000001 Play as Mickey with Donald and Goofy in Disney Castle 20340CCC 10010209 Play as Mickey with Riku in The World That Never Was 20340CE4 10100309 Play as Goofy with Donald in Hollow Bastion 20340CAC 10100102 Play as Mickey (and view cut-scenes) 40340C9C 00130001 03020109 00000000 00340C8C 00000004 Unlike the basic code that freezes when cut-scenes are activated this one does not. In cut-scenes Sora is in final form, Mickey is dressed in his organization cloak. Oh and in Hollow Bastion it said Riku was in the party, don't know why. Play as Roxas in Sora’s story (code #1) 11C95618 0000005A Do NOT hop on a skateboard! He can even go into the Pride Lands Does not stay for the final batte Roxas in Sora's story (code #2) 11C95618 0000005A Lion Sora 11C95618 0000028A You are in lion form in every world which means you can use magic and just about everything you could in the Pride Lands. Double Keyblade Roxas in Sora’s story 11C95618 00000323 Same as the above code just with double keyblades. I did not add or remove abilities during use however I had all abilities off prior to playing these codes Play as Final Form 11C95618 00000058 Play as card form Sora 11C9561A 00000601 Very glitchy. When I pressed jump the card froze and I was running around as the secondary Sora Play as Master Form 11C95618 00000057 Play as Wisdom Form 11CFA3FC 00000056 Normal Sora 11C95618 00000054 It froze when I jumped in the pride lands. KH1 Sora 11C95618 000006C1 Don't do anything Sora couldn't do in the very, very beginning of the game (drive and the bonuses that came with them as you leveled up) Black Sora as a Drive Form (select Valor) 11CFA404 00000054 Play as timeless river sora 11C95618 00000657 Play as Halloween sora 11C95618 000002B5 Play as Master Form 11C95618 00000057 Play as Valor Form 11CFA3FC 00000055 Play as Riku 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 21CDCE80 00000000 01CDCE96 00000023 01C88E64 00000005 10340E60 000001C6 10340E66 00000001 11CDCE9E 00000002 20340CE4 00021000 Mickey with Sora's stats (and equipment) 00340C8C 00000006 Play as Mickey with Riku and Donald 20340CE4 10010309 Final-Cross Wisdom Form 01CEFED0 00000000 01CB97FF 00000004 Play as Goofy in Disney Castle 20340CCC 10100102 Play as Donald in Timeless River 20340CD0 10100201 Play as Dual-Wielding Roxas in Twilight Town 20340CA4 10101004 Universal Mod to play as Auron 11C95618 00000065 Play as World Characters (must skip cutscenes) 40340C9C 00130001 10020103 00000000 Play as World Characters (Goofy gone, can watch cutscenes) 40340C9C 00130001 10020103 00000000 00340C8C 00000001 Play as World Characters (Donald gone, can watch cutscenes) 40340C9C 00130001 10020103 00000000 00340C8C 00000002 Play as Mickey E00230FF 00000100 40340C9C 00130001 03020100 00000000 E002C0FF 00000200 40340C9C 00130001 03020109 00000000 Hold R2 when walking into new area and press L2 to turn into Sora Press R2 For KH2 Sora D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C95618 00000054 Press L2 For Roxas D035B55C 0000FEFF 11C95618 0000005A DW Roxas w/ 2 Struggle Swords 1033FEC0 00000180 10340C64 00000180 Party Codes Axel Replaces Donald/Goofy (Donald) 11CFA3FE 00000051 (Goofy) 11CFA400 00000051 You must have a save file in Twilight Town before you start this cheat. If you try it in say Beast's Caste the Beast will be your teammate and if you try to switch him the game will freeze. Saix replaces party member as a boss (Donald) 11C9561A 000006C9 (Goofy) 11C9561C 000006C9 Same as the Axel one. He is very easy b/c he doesn't use like any magic, just whacks you. Riku (Boss) Replaces Donald/Goofy (Donald) 11C9561A 0000063C (Goofy) 11C9561C 0000063C He cannot be defeated b/c his health never went down to zero in the actual fight and so his HP stops during the battle. Also he freezes when you go into a drive form. Sephiroth (boss) replaces Donald/Goofy (Donald) 11C9561A 000008B6 (Goofy) 11C9561C 000008B6 Use both at the same time for a real challenge Yuffie (boss) replaces Donald 11C9561A 000008FB Leon (boss) replaces Donald 11C9561A 000008F8 Cloud (boss) replaces Donald 11C9561A 000008F9 Tifa (boss) replaces Donald 11C9561A 000008FA Demyx (boss) replaces Donald 11C9561A 000008F7 If you like hearing "Dance water dance!" then this code was meant for you! Xaldin replaces Donald/Goofy (Donald) 11C9561A 000003E5 (Goofy) 11C9561C 000003E5 Xigbar Replacing Goofy 11CFA3FE 00000622 I don't know why but when I did it in The Hall of the Cornerstone black thorns came like when Maleficent was there. And yes he does everything he did in the original battle, everything except the floor changing. Hayner replaces Goofy 11C9561C 000004D7 This is just like the struggle battle except here Hayner spits out massive amount of HP Shan Yu replaces Donald/Goofy (Donald) 11C9561A 00000015 (Goofy) 11C9561C 00000015 3 Normal Soras 201D4990 00000000 (it’s you and two Soras as party members) hold down L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle Circle as your walking into a new map to unlock Sora alone in Hallow Bastion 20340CAC 10101000 Mickey (Ally) Replaces Goofy 11C9561C 00000764 Rock as a partner 11C9561A 00000173 No joke, Donald is replaced by a giant rock. It does nothing. Axel replaces party member as an ally (Goofy) 11C9561C 000004DC (Donald) 11C9561A 000004DC Axel stays in one place till enemies come, he acts like he did in the final battle between him and Roxas. An interesting note is that his colors were actually taken away in Timeless River, proving that it's the world that drains colors, not the characters themselves. DO NOT PAUSE OR THE GAME WILL FREEZE! Party of three Soras (valor, wisdom, and anti forms) E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10080504 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10080504 00000000 Triangle + O + R1+R2+L1+L2 when walking into a new screen to activate Square + X + R1+R2+L1+L2 when walking into a new screen to disable DO NOT JUMP EVER!! 2/3 Soras will freeze and you won't be able to get anywhere. Save Point replaces Donald 11C9561A 0000023A Yes it actually let me save but I dare not load that file Roxas In Pajamas 11C9561A 0000088E Simply a T-stance dummy that you can wack around Behemoth and Wyvern replace Donald and Goofy 11C9561A 000000DA 11C9561C 000000DB Since neither of these were in the game it seems that they were considered, like the Behemoth in the 1000 heartless battle. Cloud (ally) replaces Donald and Goofy (Donald) 11CFAC7E 00000688 (Goofy) 11CFAC80 00000688 Roxas in Donald's slot 11C9561A 0000005A Tifa D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C9561C 000006B3 Press and hold R2 while changing map Yuffie D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C9561C 000006B0 Press and hold R2 while changing maps Auron (Donald) 11C9561A 00000065 (Goofy) 11C9561C 00000065 Sora alone 40340C9C 00130001 03020109 00000000 00340C8C 00000004 Blizzard Lord 11CFA400 0000040C Volcano Lord 11CFA400 0000040B Hades 11C9561A 0000015E Armored Xemnas Replaces Donald/Goofy (boss) (Donald) 11C9561A 0000085C (Goofy) 11C9561C 0000085C Mickey (Ally) Replaces Goofy 11C9561C 00000764 Hold R2 To Change Goofy Into Minnie (ally) D035B55C 0000FDFF 11C9561C 000004BB Weapon Codes... Oblivion is main weapon for Roxas 1033FEC0 0000002B Double Keybladed Roxas (during Roxas story) 20340CA4 10101004 Sora holds Way to the Dawn and Mickey's blade E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10020103 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10020109 00000000 To do this go to the final map in TWTNW and proceed into the final battle. While it is loading... Hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle Circle for Mickey's blade Hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Square X for Riku's blade Once the cut scene comes Sora will be holding the blade you chose. Sadly it does not stay and you use your keyblade in the battle. Roxas is equipped with a struggle bat 1033FEC0 00000180 10340C64 000001F5 For this I started in a new game file and whenever Roxas is suppose to be holding the keyblade he keeps the Nerf bat. When you switch to Sora his kingdom key will be replaced by the nerf bat. Sora is equipped with a struggle bat 1033FEC0 00000180 Same effect as the Roxas one, I don't know if they're one in the same with a different code. Ultima Weapon always equipped 1033FEC0 000001F4 Works with Roxas too! Sora wields Goofy's nights shield 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0014 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 At this time this code is not working 100%. See the problem is Sora holds it standing still but it vanishes when you attack, use magic. Because it jumps from Sora's hand when he attacks he cannot hurt anything. Donald wields the Staff of Destruction 00340D62 00000062 This secret staff uses the same colors as the secret keyblades. The game says it's useless but when I had Donald using it in the TWTNW he was fine. Goofy wields the Detection Shield 00340D12 00000062 Same as the secret weapons for Donald and Sora Goofy wields the Monochrome keyblade 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Yes he is actually able to kill enemies with it, acts just like he does w/ his shield which pisses me off b/c Sora cant attack w/ his sheild (yet) Floating Keyblades 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sora with Mickey’s blade 21CEF160 00000074 must have ultima weapon already equipped Sora weilding Xaldins Lances 21CEF160 00000845 will replace the ultima weapon. Make sure you have ultima equipted BEFORE you load the game with this code. Also unequip any ground combo ability, two of them crash, I know ones guard break. Goofy wields kingdom key 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010003 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Jack Sparrow wields kingdom key 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010008 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Aladdin with keyblade 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010007 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0001 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sleeping Lion in Roxas' left hand 10340C64 000001EE Sora weilds Mickey's keyblade 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F001C 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 You're just barely able to attack though. Try to pull off a finisher and you're gonna T-Stance. Sora Wields Way To The Dawn 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0023 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sora Wields Battlefields Of War 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0018 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sora Wields Scimitar 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0017 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sora Wields Skill And Crossbones 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0022 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sora WieldsDarkside/IKK (Inverse Kingdom Key) 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F001C 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sora Wields Goofy's Shield 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0014 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Sora Wields Donald's Staff 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0011 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Valor Form equipped with Struggle Hammer 10340B24 00000180 Anti form w/ keyblade E002C129 51EE4221 400D5FA8 00F9A99A 1A55C8CB 000000B1 Kingdom Key in Roxas's left hand 10340C64 00000029 Fenrir in Roxas's left hand 10340C64 000001F3 Ultima Keyblade in Roxas's left hand 10340C64 000001F4 Drive Form Codes... Valor Form w/ Normal Command Menu 40340C9C 00130001 03020104 00000000 00340C8C 00000001 20340C94 47C35000 20340C98 47C35000 21CFCDEC 47C35000 just hit Revert to get normal menu - don't do ground finishers or it will freeze Final Form w/ Normal Command Menu 40340C9C 00130001 03020107 00000000 00340C8C 00000004 20340C94 47C35000 20340C98 47C35000 21CFCDEC 47C35000 just hit Revert to get normal menu - don't do ground finishers or it will freeze Wisdom Form w/ Normal Command Menu 20340C94 47C35000 20340C98 47C35000 21CFCDEC 47C35000 40340C9C 00130001 03020105 00000000 00340C8C 00000002 just hit Revert to get normal menu Master Form w/ Normal Command Menu 20340C94 47C35000 20340C98 47C35000 21CFCDEC 47C35000 40340C9C 00130001 03020106 00000000 00340C8C 00000003 just hit Revert to get normal menu Anti-Form Anywhere 40340C9C 00130001 10101008 00000000 Anti-Form w/ Normal Command Menu and Reactions 40340C9C 00130001 03020108 00000000 00340C8C 00000005 20340C94 47C35000 20340C98 47C35000 21CFCDEC 47C35000 you can have a keyblade, just use Trinity Limit. just hit revert when your ready. Anti-Form in Drive Menu 1033FFC8 0000001E try to unequip anti form from donald’s armor and it will appear Give duel wielding Roxas's moveset to final form Sora 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 2401000A 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0005 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Free Drive (No Drive required to use Forms or summoning) 21C95308 0A090964 Infinite drive 201A02A0 00000000 201A02BC 256EFFFF All Drive Forms Unlocked 20340E28 FFFFFFFF 20340E2C FFFFFFFF 20340E30 FFFFFFFF 10340B24 00000180 10340B74 00000180 10340B9C 00000180 Party Members don't disappear when using Drive 201C77E8 0000102D Drive with timless river sora 41CFA404 00050000 0000066A 00000000 41CEF954 00150001 0000077B 00000000 Drive as Halloween sora 41CFA404 00050000 000003E6 00000000 41CEF2A8 00130001 0000077B 00000000 Unlimited Drive 21C95308 09646464 Drive Forms in Final Battle (includes everything below) First, get to that battle and get yourself killed while playing as Sora or Riku. Then during the Continue screen, hold down L1 R1 L2 R2 Triangle Circle while u press Continue. Then release as soon as battle resumes and there u go! Final Form in Final Battle E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10020100 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10100307 00000000 Wisdom Form in Final Battle E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10020100 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10100305 00000000 Valor Form in Final Battle E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10020100 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10100304 00000000 Master Form in Final Battle E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10020100 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10100306 00000000 Anti-Form in Final Battle E00230FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10020100 00000000 E002C0FF 0035B55C 40340C9C 00130001 10100308 00000000 Misc. Codes... Get into Villain’s Vale (the alter in Hollow Bastion) Use this when Hollow Bastion is covered in darkness and go to HB, you'll find yourself there. 202C66D0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B19B5 Flying Mickey cheat Here you must save the game (on a different slot obviously) then reset the game and go back into that slot and equip the ability to Mickey and then your all set. 103401F4 0000006D Heartless are invincible 20340E8C 001FFFFF All enemies are invincible except for the enemies in the tournaments. The problem with this is that if they cannot be killed they cannot give essential things like orbs which are necessary to progress through the game. Their health bars are gone Camera is zoomed out 203780F0 40000000 This is what it would be like if Sora was on drugs... Infinite jump for Sora 2019089C 00000000 Gave me glide in the pride lands too! Ghost Worlds on World Map 202C66D0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0064 200FFF40 35CE0064 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B19B5 You can still enter/exit them Disappearing Act 20378B7C 41F00000 Sora and Donald disappear and so do enemies! Even TWTNW vanishes! Super fast start up (main menu) 6002A7F2 00000000 00000000 839B69FC Code contains an invalid number of 8-digit values, or general crypt error. Check your input. This will make the opening credits quickly cycle Infinite MP for All characters 201A01F8 00000000 All Abilities 008B37A9 00000001 008F37A9 00000001 206B1061 01000001 20531061 01010100 205F1061 01010101 205B1061 01000101 Auron has Sora's status 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010005 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F0001 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Summon Alone 201C7994 0000102D Sora with Riku’s moves 200F9000 10400005 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 142F0002 200F9010 240F0023 200F9014 A44F004E 200F9018 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Save w/ Map (Donald) 11C9561A 00000239 (Goofy) 11C9561C 00000239 Battle LVL Deadly 20340E8C 001FFFFF Extremely Slow Consumption (Form and Summon) 20340C94 47C35000 20340C98 47C35000 21CFCDEC 47C35000 Exaggerated Actions 20368920 40000000 Exaggerates more than just actions... Sora Mod #1: Goofy 200F9000 10400008 200F9004 944F004C 200F9008 24010001 200F900C 502F0004 200F9010 240F0003 200F9020 A44F004C 200F9024 03E00008 201D14F4 0803E400 Replaces Sora's voice w/ Goofy's and resets his attack moves, does not reduce his strength. You can use magic and items but you cannot swap Goofy out of the party. Also, you do not wield any shields however you are assigned to specific keyblades. So for this code your options are: Knights Defender = Monochrome Knights Shield = Kingdom Key Genji Shield = Follow The Wind I don't know what the connection is between those but thats how it is... ROOM MODS(Area Codes)... To do any of the following you need to start in the hall of the cornerstone and then walk into the king's throne room. Destiny Islands Door To Darkness 1033E830 00000003 The Main Road 1033E830 00000103 Main Island: Shore 1033E830 00000203 World Of Darkness The Dark Margin 1033E830 00000001 Loop Demo 1033E830 00000101 Twilight Town Roxas's Room 1033E830 00000102
btw u still hve to add a voice modifier to change donald and goofies voice well he already fixed it look at tha first post on this page
well Final Mix and NTSC Both :)
oh nm jus findin an checkin on cheats fr Kinhgdom hearts u tel
btw whose texture did u give to Roxas??
yea i ws busy wdh studies an evrythn bt nw m bk
Master Code NX48-W7RR-T0HJX 27GU-U0P4-BC8FZ Infinite HP 85QV-KEQ8-2JJ1V 6JNR-63EU-XQNRR F961-FUEK-JPGYX RNUU-VUZ3-MAN4Z KK03-W2JP-ZCV8W Inf Drive Form M4FT-VNF0-233VF 65AW-9QMP-VYWT3 Press R2 to Unlock All Drive Forms (With Antiform in Drive List) ZP4G-Q773-UEU91 R9FT-A285-DATCT GJMR-AHT1-177PP 62KD-B4DE-CAWUG G8W2-JWY8-6WFV2 NM06-AT6M-VU83X HFRB-XRPZ-8JKD5 ECRY-Z9VC-3VJ6Y 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 All Sora Weapons AA1E-V8PN-A86GE PU7T-KUYM-V74VQ EP2X-HFT4-2XH21 1GQV-8TB5-BR4AU XEP3-8913-3GBVF QDJH-RB74-NK4BA TT5Z-H412-JP6B5 PMA3-H9TY-A3QNK 9MZ1-XZT1-YB1FP PPVQ-QV3E-EWKCM NAB5-N88Z-AN320 Infinite Jump 91XB-7AWY-DMG42 XX4E-4WK9-9VNV5 MAX STATS & LVL 99 M3DJ-2RKT-AZ6HN C34T-E9A0-4KB47 N4GA-PEMW-6NGJ0 X39F-M9FJ-0Y9Q5 GM05-TTZY-WUNBA All Bottle Items (98) 3YQE-NDQD-GPHW7 DU1H-A6K8-VXZ1B X6CY-C1X9-F3J2V JGQB-CGQD-XW88W V28C-8G7F-6X7ZB Q2R6-ZNVF-YDJF9 GWA3-AK73-XCU1F Munny Mod = 10 BM25-ANUW-A4ZJZ NCCQ-U9AG-2EQNC = 100 PNPW-FQAH-VC9V0 H2D0-RUYM-N0PGQ = 1000 VXQQ-A7BW-ME5G2 6DPV-W27V-UGJXB = 10000 UDJ8-7EJM-B5B98 E951-061T-VGRTR Marluxia Replaces Character Slot 2 (Donald) 09RZ-6XMZ-J6ZPA MW0R-97CD-KPFJ2 Character Slot 3 (Goofy) 3VGY-T8UJ-QQGC2 A5N8-YNFV-HU9ED Axel Replaces Character Slot 2 (Donald) NG4W-1WVW-YPNB3 ZPHQ-1PTY-XMZ0A Character Slot 3 (Goofy) AEDT-QWFH-7HRCG KW8Y-GVDA-4DM2X
yup thank you
the middle road
hey relax no worry i think ha code wasnt mnt 2 work so vll leave it k??
yea kk b bk EDIT: Nope tha game freezes jus as i press R2
hmm kk ill update EDIT: well tha firt 1 dint work goin 2 check tha second 1 EDIT 2 : nope both of them dont work sry
yes sure ill edit tha post EDIT: well yup tha code works but few glitches lke 1. it T-stances while u attack in ground and 2. after doin tha first part of tha combo in air it t-stances
npoe tha game freezed jus as i pressed R2 so no luck yet either
hmmm yes sure ill test thm ill b bk in a minute
yea sure tell me when u test them EDIT: oh no no razor leave it now i knw wht these codes r thy r power mode and ultimate Light 1 codes rght if yes thn thy work great thnx
hey Razor i tried both of ur codes and tha game freezes just as i press R2