*grins* True.
Trebek: *tilts head* Odd, that's just what the readout says! Alright, the machine will now randomly select two names to come and compete...*more beeps, boops, random objects twirl, flashing lights, slip of paper comes out*and the contestants are....Zack Fair, Kairi, and Pluto! Zack quickly runs back to the stands, gets there just in time for the spotlight to hit him. Zack: *huff huff* Alright, lets do this thing! *walks to stage*
X3 yeah, because you would've seriously driven it at the time.
OOC: lol...On second thought, I think we'll do this instead: BIC: Trebek: Alright, well, since we're having a bit of difficulty getting organized here, we're going to start another event. Let me just get the info from the machine, here, to see what options we have....*machine beeps, boops, and squeals*
OOC: Ah. Well, if he comes back while I'm on, I'll take Sora's place; we need to speed this up just a bit.
OOC: Dagnabbit...nobody would object if I took Sora's place, would they? Is Mickey here?
Trebek: Very well, now that our contestants are all here, we will now start the race. Please stand on the line, there.
X3 Secretly rebellious; give me some credit :sly:. Actually, I didn't really do anything against my parents orders, high school or otherwise; we...
*looks straight up towards the ceiling* How did I know that?
Zack and Cloud stare at the dog food, looked at each other, then back at the dog food. Zack shrugged, and opened the dog food.
So, by that time, you're in your room doing other things, such as texting?
OOC: lol, actually, we technically do have 'security', but they're all sick with something or other; kinda why I'm encouraging this. Not many of the contestants have honor, so... BIC: Cloud browsed throught the file... Cloud: ...okay, here's the list....darn! There's a combat competition in the listing....and it's the fourth one. Sephiroth can substitute himself with any of the fighters, and win easily. Zack: *walks over to Cloud, examines the file*...wait, that's only if the other team members need him to substitue...crap, we're still in trouble...
Zack and Cloud jump. Zack quickly clamps Pluto's mouth together with his hands, while Cloud searches quickly. Zack: *keeps Pluto's snout closed, whispers* Shhh!....we're trying to find an edge against Sephiroth. If he wins, he could do worse than the Organization ever could! *slowly releases Pluto's mouth so he can talk* Sorry about that, but we're doing this in secret. Cloud: *rummuging through random things, throwing some aside*...what on earth? Rubber duckies? No......okay, I think I found....yes! It's a description of the other events in 'Olympic Gladiators'.
*sighs*...what exactly are your sleeping habbits?
OOC: We're also willing to accept anybody willing to take his place at the moment; meanwhile, some of us aren't willing to stand by while the race is stalled.... BIC: Zack and Cloud managed to sneak behind stage, and start looking around. Zack: *sighs* This is probably one of your more dumb ideas, Cloud....if we get expelled, you won't be able to stop Sephiroth, should a combat event comes. Cloud: *rummages through stuff* We have to keep trying....he's not exactly one to play by the rules, either...
Cloud: ..... Zack: *looks at Cloud, confused* What are you thinking, Cloud? Cloud: ....we can't wait. If Sephiroth is the one who wins, he can access Kingdom Hearts...we have to make sure he doesn't win. Zack: *sigh* What do you recommend? Cheating? I think that would get all of us expelled from the game, leaving him winning. Cloud: Let's at least find out what the other parts to this game are. If Sora's going to be late, we might as well take advantage of it; besides, security's not going to stop us...*gets up, leaves the stands* Zack: *sighs* I just know I'm going to regret this....*gets up, follows Cloud*
See, I've tried running on...4 hours of sleep? I could barely stay awake, I couldn't get anything done....we may seriously need to work on you....
OOC: Notified. Anybody want to take his place, just in case?
Trebek: Allright, contestants, take your marks.
Zack: *shakes head* Naw, we're good. As far as I know, they'll start as soon as both teams choose someone to run the course...Mickey's been chosen, but we don't know who the other guy is.