Huh? 'don't wanna' what?
I gtg. Need to leave and get lunch.
I feel bad about it. So sue me.
Standard question, everything okay?
Thank you. It was originally a background for a drawing I made. :3
Sorry. Had problems here at my end; for some reason, the site stopped working for me at around 9:20. Took me an hour to get back on here. Hope...
Yup......haven't seen them in years.
*stares at the pics*..... Mike, I believe I speak for all of us when I say, we salute your fine efforts at bringing us the facts on the game. SAAA-LUTE!
Mine. Okie dokie. You too. XD
What's lamp?
Ashes of blowhorn falls through Cloud's hand.
Zack facepalmed himself.
Ohhh, as in the 'light' lamp?
Cloud pulled out the blowhorn-in-a-can, "You mean this is what they use?"
What. Is. Lamp?
What's 'lamp'?