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  1. Darkcloud
  2. Darkcloud
    Zack: *shrugs* No prob, Lux. Umm...he doesn't have a computer, dvd, or internet access where he lives. Just a tv and cable...and he's in therapy for watching Sailor Moon too much...

    Cloud: *suddenly jumps up, raises hand in the air, displaying painted nails* MOON CRESCENT POWER!! *just as suddenly sits back down, staring off into space again, glaring*.......
    Post by: Darkcloud, Oct 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Darkcloud
  4. Darkcloud
    OOC: 10:45 pm....*yawns*

    BIC: Zack: *looks at Cloud* Neither could you, apparently. *shoots water at Luxord, running in circles* I wouldn't if I were you: He's been in a bad mood ever since they took Sailor Moon off the air.

    Cloud: *stares off into space, annoyed*.....grrrr....
    Post by: Darkcloud, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Darkcloud
    OOC: For a little while longer, yeah. Umm...I don't see why not.

    BIC: Zack: Hey,, I don't think so. :sweat:
    Cloud: *glares angrily at Luxord, points down at Luxord's cloak, mutters*
    Post by: Darkcloud, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    Okay. Ttyl.

    Okay. Ttyl.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Sora_Kairi_107, Oct 24, 2009
  7. Darkcloud
  8. Darkcloud
  9. Darkcloud
    OOC: Shad, don't worry about it; we're only now starting. As for thedeadguy, well, I am Cloud and Zack; might as well have them sit in the audience until they're called...besides, we all know Cloud no like Sephy.

    BIC: Trebek: Larxene, please take your seat in the audience, we're about to begin our first event.
    Post by: Darkcloud, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Darkcloud
  11. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    I be back! ^^

    I be back! ^^
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Magick, Oct 24, 2009
  12. Darkcloud
    Profile Post

    I gtg; be back @ 10.

    I gtg; be back @ 10.
    Profile Post by Darkcloud for Magick, Oct 24, 2009
  13. Darkcloud
  14. Darkcloud
  15. Darkcloud
  16. Darkcloud
  17. Darkcloud
  18. Darkcloud
    ......does anybody else see this as the 'above view' of a toilet?
    Post by: Darkcloud, Oct 24, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Darkcloud