It's not healthy, and it's why you're always so tired. 8 hrs is the minimum requirement. You'll feel much better afterwards, and you'll have more...
Zack: *shrugs* No prob, Lux. Umm...he doesn't have a computer, dvd, or internet access where he lives. Just a tv and cable...and he's in therapy for watching Sailor Moon too much... Cloud: *suddenly jumps up, raises hand in the air, displaying painted nails* MOON CRESCENT POWER!! *just as suddenly sits back down, staring off into space again, glaring*.......
Hey. You really need to get some sleep. Like more than three hours.
OOC: 10:45 pm....*yawns* BIC: Zack: *looks at Cloud* Neither could you, apparently. *shoots water at Luxord, running in circles* I wouldn't if I were you: He's been in a bad mood ever since they took Sailor Moon off the air. Cloud: *stares off into space, annoyed*.....grrrr....
OOC: For a little while longer, yeah. Umm...I don't see why not. BIC: Zack: Hey,, I don't think so. :sweat: Cloud: *glares angrily at Luxord, points down at Luxord's cloak, mutters*
Okay. Ttyl.
Ummm.....can't really think of anything at the moment. Sorry.
Yeah, lots of stalling's been going on, lately.
OOC: Shad, don't worry about it; we're only now starting. As for thedeadguy, well, I am Cloud and Zack; might as well have them sit in the audience until they're called...besides, we all know Cloud no like Sephy. BIC: Trebek: Larxene, please take your seat in the audience, we're about to begin our first event.
nothing much. Just trying to get homework/studying done. *shudders*
I be back! ^^
I gtg; be back @ 10.
Goes great with chicken. XD fffbbbbt!
Cool. Love it when one team, on some news footage, tries to copy the 'waterboy technique'.
hmm....Never really been a big fan of Sandler. The only movie of his I've seen is 'Waterboy'; that was pretty funny.
Oh, yeah, I've heard of that one...he eventually marries one of his teachers, doesn't he?
*tilts head* When was this made/ what's it about?
......does anybody else see this as the 'above view' of a toilet?
Who/what is 'Billy Madison'?