Love that song. Calling ~ Leah
I must be old too because you're only two months older than me. xD HECK YES! 8D *high fives*
Ask for it for you birthday or Christmas. Speaking of birthdays, yours is next month, right? You could run away to NY. 8D You could hide in my...
I agree with this statement.
The ending was amazing; I totally did not see it coming. ...well, I did, but that's only because I made me friend gave me a hint. But seriously, I...
I'm good. I just completed TWEWY so I'm going crazy. xD How are you?
O_O I see you. *glomps* We haven't talked in forever! How have you been?
Me likey. 8D
*spazzes out in your profile* 8DDDD
One of the best games EVER.
I'm great now that I completed TWEWY. 8D
How are you?
8DDDDDDD I BEAT IT! YES! *does a happy dance*
Hi. 8Dfillerz
I'm pretty good. How are you?
The world would be a better place if I had Sho Minamimoto's hat. I want it.
Hi Dawn! ^^
I was thinking something with the world ends with you. I'm obsessed. xD If you can, it can use this. And the text to be "What the factor?" If you...
I love your signature. Sho Minamimoto ftw.