My grandparents and dad would be the same way. xDD My mom loves the game, so she wouldn't be confused. 8D
See? The plan is genius! ...I'm so going to skip school... Yeah, not really. 8D
I was actually thinking that too. She seems like she'd be Kairi's nobody; not Namine.
Same here, but I want to miss school. xD
Same here. I told my mom to pick me up during school so that I can go pick it up. xD She would do it too, but I don't think my grandma would like it.
Born into a noble family; like a royal one. Like a prince being born is known as a noble birth. Wasn't it mentioned that Kairi was a princess at...
Well, it is cheaper than what it originally was, but it is still expensive.
That's exactly what I was thinking. And I read in a thread a translation of the video that Xion said she was wondering how two people could be the...
I'm good; just procrastinating on my homework. I really don't want to do it. xD
Hiya. <3 How are you?
Awesome. ^^
We are on the same exact wavelength. That's exactly what I thought when I first saw her. There was even a part that Xion was talking to Riku. This wasn't shown in the leaked trailer, but it was a part of it. I know, she looks like a really good fighter and it looks really fun. 8D
Hello, hello, hello. ^^
Here are the trailers if anyone is interested. It's at an angle, but you get to see everything.
Dude, it is. Here's the trailer with her face. Look at 00:43.
Here you go. ^^
Well, I've had mine for two years, so I don't really remember how much they are. Just look on the Wal*Mart website or on the Sony website.
You probably don't have the right codecs for the video file? You can just go online and search for the DivX codec pack; that always has the latest video codes including those for .avi files. Just out of curiosity, do the files work in Windows Media Player? If so then you may want to go into your Windows Movie Maker and change the codec settings. To do this, you need to go into Tools, then to Options. A box should appear and there should be a tab that says "Compatibility." Go into that tab and look to see what file types are checked. If there is an "AVI Decompressor", check it. If not, then I suggest you dowload the DivX codec pack and check all of the file types. It should work after that. ^^ Hope this helps~
PSP is an awesome system.
Aw, thanks. ^^