Search Results

  1. Pure Beats~
  2. Pure Beats~
    Profile Post

    xD Hello. ^^

    xD Hello. ^^
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for Johnny Bravo, Oct 6, 2008
  3. Pure Beats~
    There's an acoustic version? o.o

    When She Cries ~ Britt Nicole

    She's currently making a new CD. 8D
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Pure Beats~
  5. Pure Beats~
  6. Pure Beats~
  7. Pure Beats~
    Veoh; that's where I watch the Vampire Knight episodes.

    I just wish that one with subs would come out. D:
    I would love to know what they are saying.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Pure Beats~
    Well, I found the new episode, but it doesn't have subtitles...shoot.

    I want it now. D:
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. Pure Beats~
  10. Pure Beats~
    Ready ~ Britt Nicole
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Pure Beats~
  12. Pure Beats~
    Profile Post

    Aw, thanks easter. <3

    Aw, thanks easter. <3
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for venster, Oct 6, 2008
  13. Pure Beats~
    Profile Post

    Hello. <3 How are you?

    Hello. <3 How are you?
    Profile Post by Pure Beats~ for Catch the Rain, Oct 6, 2008
  14. Pure Beats~
    This is a really nice tag; I love the flow of it and the use of c4d's are very nice.

    The only problems that I see is the text and that yellow oval near the back of his head.
    In my opinion, the text seems a bit big. Sure it looks nice, but it stands out just a little too much. Making it a little smaller could be better.
    The yellow oval is distracting. I know it's probably from the original stock, so you can't really do anything about it, but is there a way you can unsharpen it a bit? That way it could be less distracting.

    Anyways, this is a very nice tag and I like it a lot.
    Great job.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Pure Beats~
    The World Ends With You

    And there are tons of FF games that I'm playing, and I'm too lazy to list them.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 6, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. Pure Beats~
    Carry Me Down ~ Demon Hunter
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Pure Beats~
  18. Pure Beats~
  19. Pure Beats~
    I love the first one; it's very well drawn and it's fantastic.
    The second has a cut style and the third one is just adorable.

    You are very good at drawing and I love all three of them.
    Great job.
    Post by: Pure Beats~, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics