Well if I really have to choose xD. Then I guess Ed. P.S:You should probably makes this a poll thread.
Now that was just random and weird lol xD.
Louis Armstrong......yes....I said it......>.>.
No, thanks. I don't want to get my guyver suit wet with blood.
Ah, okay...
What quote is that from?
Well it seems we are on the same page now. I was just saying I agreed with you.
As was I burnitup.
Preaching to the choir chica. But hey, what ever floats your boat.
That just seems a like drastic.
Insane doesn't even begin to describe some people. Hello burnitup, and congrats on the weight thing.
That is true.....I actually wasn't obessed with Inyuasha like some peeps I knew.
To be honest I don't really see a lot of people on the forum even log on now.
I guess they are busy a lot.
Not really.....she really doesn't come by that much....plus she knows we are joking.
You shouldn't change cause some people tell you that you are serious or fomal. You should just be you......but that is what I think.
Yeah, she wanted to eat pancakes.......off people.....Kyle and I got scared.
Chuu weren't there for that four way chat......it got freaky....fast.
Yesh....but after the weird chat I had with Nat....I'm starting to think she is a cwazy xD.
You....you.......:crybaby: Why kika-chan why?!?!?!