But his body is still in the Gate of Truth, so Ed supplies nutrition for the both of them.
Yeah, especially since he is not even a human. But the ending is more touching than the brief way I summed it up.
Ed kills a man and then Wynoda's character leaves Ed in his old house and tells all the locals he is dead so he can live in the Tower in peace.
I know...I wasn't arguing with you ;o;
Kika, most of the time I would agree with you hands down....but this is only a RP.....you can change it how ever you want.
That is why it is usually in the horror genre.
But be a anit-hero....not evil like Wesker.
And maybe have one of the lead people be a bioengenired super solider....like Wesker.
Ummmm, a group of soilders are sent to a zombie filled city. They are told it is to save survivers of a power planet explosition. But really a pharmicutical company had a melt down and released a air born virus and infected the whole town. Or something like that *shrug*
Thanks, burnitup.
Why not it be a air born virus.
Cause I don't believe it is located on the ring of fire.
It is the thing that cause earthquakes.
You....are....messing with me.....right?
I guess the techtonic plates don't matter anymore.
Yeah.....but BEFORE that it was completely run over with zombies. Hence why they nuked the place.
It would be like Racoon city I guess *shrug*
That what makes it sweet.
>.>; nope xD.