oh kool i just got a song called all you're base are belong to us on my phone
ooc:hey rikurep d'ya wanna join my rp nobody are lost in the arctic?
thanks*jumps back on the sharks back and bites it until it dies*well looks like i won't have to go to the fish n chips shop later then
*shark tries to bite me again so i kick in the head and gets onto shore
i think you mean her and it wasn't me it was her i swear by my whole familys life uses thebody of the snowman and throws it so it hits roxas and larxene take that
yup cold but there are two good things about thearctic good thing number 1.snow angels*makes a snow angel good thing number 2.snowmen *makes a snowman*
*grabs the life preserver and swam for my life*
don't worry i am carefull*suddenly the rope snapped*uh oh *draws the shark the paper cut my arm*double uh oh gimme the life preserver nice sharky sharky*the shark trys to bite me but just misses me ooc:your'e getting married lucky you
*puts the middle of a long rope in the sharks mouth and jumps on its back*yeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaaaa ooc:i have msn hotmail
*together me and kairi pull larxene to safety* ooc:thank you both for joining my rp either one of you can start if you want (i'm not very experienced this is my second rp i have joined and my first rp i have made)
ok you are roxas enjoy the rp :)
*throws you one of those life presevers
ooc:you are now in the rp you can start if you want and kairi do you wanna join to you can't be kairi though you have to be a nobody
ok you are in you can start it if you want
oh ok i'll tell you when you are on the list
can i be vexen the chemestry teacher please
*licks icecream*whoa this tastes just like a sea salt icecream i would never have thought ooc:i thought you said you were gonna join my rp i just asked to join up that high school thingy as vexen the chemestry teacher i just asked to join up that high school thingy as vexen the chemestry teacher:)
ok i'll add you to my rp list when i get there combat class?
ok sea salt ice cream sounds great
*draws the ocean*so anyway are you 2 gonna join my rp