In this thread, I will be posting my reactions to particularly notable parts of the first Bionicle flash game. First up, look at Gali being the badass that she is. You can find the game here.[DOUBLEPOST=1378608199][/DOUBLEPOST]Ooh, cryptic! Why can't you just tell me what I need to know? [DOUBLEPOST=1378608405][/DOUBLEPOST] Dude, I know. It's kinda right there.[DOUBLEPOST=1378608587][/DOUBLEPOST] No offense, dude, but Po-Wahi sounds awful.
I think you had to do something with the Lightstone. Lemme replay it again and I'll let you know.
I do not merely play with Bionicles. Bionicles are serious business.
You may remember me as Keyblade Spirit. Everyone here hates me now, but don't listen to what they say about me because I'm still a decent person.
Nothing compares to that time when I found the old Mata Nui Online Game. But you hate Bionicle, so I understand if you don't get why I was so excited about it.
You know the Low Rider? Damn, it seems like all my friends know the Low Rider.[DOUBLEPOST=1378576972][/DOUBLEPOST] Or maybe you're just their favorite.
That would be unnecessarily complicated, though. Better to just make it a dark blue tattoo on each of our arms.
Why don't we just put them on our arms? But what color? Ideally, it would have to match the site, but that dark gray would look really ugly as a tattoo.
This is why you make sure that you are at least 10 feet away from an elephant before standing behind it.
There's this one app that lets you weigh yourself.
Don't go telling the newbie that that section exists. Xenao, don't listen to Amaury. He's messing with you. The Premium Members section does not exist and you do not need to worry about it.
I'm afraid I don't know how. Could you teach me?
Nah, Pacific Time is alright. Mountain Time, on the other hand, needs to drown in a fire.
Alternatively, you can find it next to "member: " when you're quoting someone.
How ignorant can one comment be? Read on to find out! Fluency in Chinese is no excuse for mistaking two words with similar spellings for one another, especially if English is not your native language.
Says #54689.
Aren't those activities basically the same, though?
SPOILERS AHEAD. HAVE YOU WATCHED EVANGELION YET? IF NOT, GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THIS THREAD OR IF YOU'RE USING THE HOVER-PREVIEW THING, GET YOUR CURSOR OFF THIS LINK RIGHT NOW. Considering the fact that I haven't yet watched End of Evangelion, what exactly was supposed to be so confusing about the ending to Neon Genesis Evangelion? Besides the fact that it didn't really wrap up the Instrumentality part of the storyline, it was pretty easy to understand. Shinji finally figured out that everyone around him held him in very high regard despite his own lack of self-esteem. This caused him to realize that he had no reason to hate himself and, because of this, began to love himself. Then, because of Instrumentality mushing everyone's minds together, all of his friends and acquaintances congratulated him on finally coming to terms with himself. The only question of any consequence left unanswered is whether or not they escaped Instrumentality and even then it was implied that Shinji's newfound self-esteem was the key to breaking out of it. Still, I'm glad I finally watched this series even though I feel like I should have watched it before the two Rebuild movies that have been on Toonami. I look forward to watching 3.33.