Indeed. Rain makes corn.
Yes, and it's still just a game. Nothing in the game is actually real. For future reference, the plural of "axis" is "axes."
They are characters in a video game. That means they don't have feelings.
That's not realistic? I used to do it all time! In Shadow of the Colossus, that is.
Learn to use Google, you twit.
But this isn't a remote resemblance. This girl looks EXACTLY like Misty.
I have good eyesight.
Is the person in the photo in this photo you? She looks an awful lot like you.
It was good. I look forward to seeing more. Also, Bosami is now the OTP.
F13 is hogwash, balderdash, hooey, and poppycock.
And this somehow confirms Half Life 3, right?
Yeah, Walt did that sometimes. He also used the alias "M.T. Lott" when he was scouting locations for the first Disneyland.
AKA the fake kind of smart where you know a lot of super complex things and yet can't grasp incredibly simple things.
Play this game. Take a screenshot of your score. If you have the highest score by noon tomorrow, you'll get the Brütal Legend key from my Humble Bundle because I won SynK's key.
DINGDINGDING! We have a winner! The first post has been updated.
It's starting to fill out! Who will get this right?
Well guessed! We're on our way!
Incorrect! And yes, you can guess twice. It violates the spirit of the game, but not the rules. D it is, and there are a few of those too!