Amaury, stop making sex noises punctuated by the third best staffie's name.
The only complaint I have so far is Kirito's status as the instantly likable protagonist. Seriously, what's the deal with that? He waltzes into a sword shop, is rude to the owner, BREAKS HER FAVORITE SWORD, then gets them both trapped in a hole trying to get a special kind of metal so she can make a new sword, not to replace the one he broke, but for him. And, after this one day, as they're flying through the air, she decides, "HEY I GUESS I'M IN LOVE WITH HIM." Even I take three months or more to come to that conclusion. And it's like that with LOTS of other characters too, at least before they find out that he was in the beta.
That's not how conceding works. Really? You might disagree.
I haven't watched RvB since the beginning of Season 9. Did the voice acting really get as horrible as it is here, or is it jsut this PSA? Also, what season are they on now? I really need to catch up, but I want to know what I'm getting into first.
I thought some of it was kind of funny.
Owned by the same company.
You could do this, but no man can resist a good ol' fashioned turf 'n turf. It's like surf 'n turf, except you make a whole steak and then replace the shrimp with another whole steak, then replace the asparagus with bacon, then finally replace the fork with a third steak.
Ah, I see!
Am I doing it right?
Always a pleasure.
Oh yeah? Well you're a cornmuffin YOU CORNMUFFIN.
Most things?
Wait, I thought it was only the game that everyone hated.
Don't make her play either. If there's one thing I've learned in the past year, it's that forcing something on a person doesn't make her like it. In fact, it's liable to drive her even further away from it.
From down under![DOUBLEPOST=1379302399][/DOUBLEPOST] Wait, are we not talking about the brownie/ice cream dessert from Outback?
Sora's mom killed him for not coming to dinner. All of the Kingdom Hearts series is his dying dream. That's why the amount of sense it makes at this point comes out to a grand total of "**** all."
I didn't have anything meaningful to say about the content of your post. I did, however, want to make sure that you know the correct way to pluralize the word "axis." After all, the whole point of making a mistake is to have it corrected so that you won't make that mistake later. To avoid this turning into a shitstorm, that is the last I have to say on this matter in this thread.