Yes, they pushed it a little further in the fourth one, instead of an initial vision followed by occasional cryptic hints the main character keeps having visions. It isn' t a tremendous improvement, it doesn' t affect the overall formula much, but at least it gives its own little spin to the movie.
The wind ? Seriously ? The wind usually change direction frequently, and it' s probably the last thing they have in mind. Your smell receptors are connected to your brain, not theirs, so finding a suitable place to be would be easier for you than them. Besides, why would you ask them to move away ? Either it' s a "if you mess with me I might as well mess with you" kinda deal, which isn' t very mature, or you honestly think it' s not that big of a deal to ask, which brings us back to "follow your nose and move away yourself". I was told in college physics class that smoking a single cigarette a day is the same as not smoking, its the limit human lungs can deal with. Dunno if it' s been proven false since then, but if that' s true then a little cigarette smoke whiff here and there is just a bad smell problem. I doubt you' d ask someone smelly (bad perfume/hygiene) to move away, you' d probably move away yourself. In my country it' s forbidden to smoke in public or indoor places, even pubs or restaurants, unless there are very specific equipments to ensure it won' t bother anyone. I started smoking 15 years ago. If I know there are some non-smokers around I move away, that is if I can, but if I' m in a crowded outdoor area then I just smoke without torturing myself about who it might bother. As already stated those who are bothered are free to move away themselves. In 15 years I have never been asked to go smoke elsewhere, not once. The last thing I' d like to say is that it never ever crossed my mind to yell at someone for driving his car for futile reasons, like going to the cinema (not even having an addiction to deal with), polluting everyone' s air in the process.
In all five movies there' s someone who can see the future. It' s the basic premise of the series, there wouldn' t be a movie otherwise. It doesn' t mess with anything since in the end whatever you do you just can' t cheat death. This fifth movie ties in with the first one in a rather unexpected fashion. I kinda like this series, not as horror movies per say, rather as funny dumb teen slashers (yes, those movies make me laugh). They' re like a "guess how they' re gonna die" game. I wouldn' t pay to watch them at the theater though ...
You know that most of us don' t know you but you expect us to try and psycho-analyze you anyway, which proves that you like to boss people around into fool' s errands. You also want them to illustrate their reasoning with a crappy stereotyped fictional character, which proves you like half-baked visual metaphors. You are ... Rukia Kuchiki.
Spam is the new sexy.
That would qualify as proselytism, and the ratio of Christians is the same in and out of prison. Epic fail.
Even if I can touch it, smell it, taste it, hear it, x-ray it, mesure it and weight it, it can still be an illusion. I usually don' t have the time to do all of this 1000000 times from every conceivable angle to be almost sure. Not trusting your senses can be pretty deadly too. Anyway, I don' t forget for a second that stable time loop plots rely on pretty big "ifs". Nah, I like to know what' s behind the curtain too. ^^
How about this : Add an entrance to the left and an exit to the right and you' ll have a visual metaphor of a stable time loop. Such a staircase is a paradox, you can' t build it in reality, and yet you can imagine it. Each step in the loop has a preceding and a following step. It doesn' t make sense and yet at the same time it does, it' s just a matter of perspective (literally). Just watching it is enough to get its rules. We know that the continuity that we see is an illusion but we see it anyway.
I think Nekoki already said it, but you can' t change anything in a stable time loop plot. Sorry, poor wording on my part. They can exist at the same time in a story (the trick is to never make them meet). God ? ^^ (don' t answer that) The way you said it I thought you read a possible explanation somewhere, never-mind then. Man, this thread isn' t spamy at all ... [video=youtube;H1kpVq_vW5w][/video]
The only thing that loops is causality, the characters live the whole thing in a linear fashion. Isn' t the postulate "a time machine is used somewhen in a causal time-line to go in the past" a big enough domino to rule out the "precedes" part ? If you assume a future causal reason is paradoxical and impossible then you assume a time-travel to the past in a causal universe is paradoxical and impossible, but we postulated it wasn' t. Sure it' s crazy, but all the stories of this kind that I' ve seen embrace their craziness with opened arms. The strongest sword and the strongest shield are both paradoxical and impossible, it doesn' t prevent people to postulate or imagine they aren' t and write stories about them. A first cause ? A domino that fell by itself ? And what about our choices ? Are we certain that free will is always an illusion ?
I don' t undestand what you mean, it' s both a line (causal) and a circle (looping). With the postulates we chose one doesn' t exclude the other. We' re claiming both causality and the use of a time-machine in a certain way, which yes, leads to an infinite time loop that is its own cause, it dies and regenerates itself at the same time, its occurrences both equal to one and the infinite. Two parallel lines can cross each other if you hold some specific postulates to begin with. If shouldn' t come as a surprise that funky postulates lead to funky conclusions. I' m far from being a physics expert but, as I understand it, we don' t know if human time-travel is possible, we don' t know if absolute causality drives everything, and we don' t know if the universe time-line is linear or not. In a nutshell time is a mind**** and we don' t know much about it.
Screw this, I' m tired of observing silently. It' s a time loop, it' s not linear. Who came first, the egg or the hen ? A circle has no beginning and no end. A time loop in a stable time-line is a self-sustaining ouroboros. It' s probably impossible, but hey, how would I know ?
Don' t mind me, I' m not supposed to take sides ... I' ve said too much ... is recent, but the press group behind it isn' t. also broke the scoop on Wii U specs and Vita ram before that. PSTime is even more recent (less than a month recent), and I can' t tell where the hell they came from. Heck, even googling "PSTime" doesn' t bring the site up. ^^ We' ll see, any rumor should be taken with a grain of salt anyway, whatever source it came from.
The program could use the collected data to create pictures instead of searching its closest match in a you-tube database. I suppose they didn' t want to bother writing such a complex algorithm without first checking out if their data processing method is reliable.
Given what I' ve read on teleportation I' m not holding my breath (I' m not holding my breath about light-speed human travel either). BTW, does anyone know if the new "Dark Matters" series is worth watching ? Or is it just Ghost Hunters-like half-baked bogus TV "science" ?
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