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  1. Patman
    "/" = "over".
    As for "2", I' m not sure, doesn' t Xion live 358 days ?
    Post by: Patman, Oct 6, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Patman
    I' d rather not. It' s just that you said you' d rather read teen books than those books, but this list is full of teen best-sellers, so ...
    Post by: Patman, Oct 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Patman
    What the ... I don' t even ... how would you know if they would interest you or not you when all you got is their cover ?
    Even a chapter or two isn' t enough for me to tell, once I start a book I finish it. If it was good I keep its author' s name in mind.
    I' ve read seven of the books in this list (well, more like seven series of three to ten books) when I was a teenager, are you sure you don' t mean you enjoy kids books ? Your adult/teenager classification looks all sorts of wrong to me, these are all Fantasy/SF/Horror books and that' s all you need to know.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman

    ^ This.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Patman
    Post by: Patman, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Patman


    You don' t choose what turns you on anymore than you choose what disgusts you.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  7. Patman
    My keyboard is broken so I type posts on my PS3, which isn' t exactly the speediest method ever.
    English isn' t my natural language, so although I type troll/spam posts as quickly as I would in French typing more elaborate posts in the discussion section can take me quite a while. Trying to find the best translation possible in what I hope to be proper English can take an impressive amount of drafts, I sometimes rewrite things a dozen times. Sometimes I don' t even know a way to translate my thoughts at all, which is immensely frustrating, it' s rare but it happens. Finally, I edit quite a lot since there isn' t any auto-spell check function on the PS3 browser.

    This post didn' t involve a lot of thought or rewriting and it took me ... (checking) ... 10 minutes to type it.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 4, 2011 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  8. Patman
    Lol, sorry, I don' t do hair-pulling, I don' t scratch, I don' t bite. ^^
    Basically yes, though I' m not a big fan of obvious manga style rip-offs either.
    Post by: Patman, Oct 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Patman
    Well, I didn' t bother to find them all (a lot of DIC animation shows were Franco-American), and at the time there wasn' t nearly as much shows or channels as there are now (six channels tops in France at the time, I only had three). Times they are a changin ...

    Also, Osamu Tezuka, who basically invented manga, copied Walt Disney' s art style. No wonder Disney eventually riped off his Lion King story (Kimba the White Lion).
    Post by: Patman, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman
    A huge chunk of the shows that I watched when I was a kid was either Franco-Japanese or Franco-Japano-American.

    Franco-Japanese :
    Same character designer as Saint Seiya


    Franco-American :

    Franco-Japan-American :

    Hispaniola-Japanese :

    Italy-Japanese, Hayao Miyazaki worked on this one :
    Post by: Patman, Oct 2, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman
    In Forbidden Siren we play several characters in a town full of shibitos (sort of Japanese zombies, they act as if they were alive but they cry blood and kill any living person they see). One of those characters is a teenager girl named Tomoko. After several missions she finally learns that her parents are waiting for her at the church. On her way to the church she suddenly starts to see weird eerie lights everywhere, and although the area is swarming with shibitos none of them react to her presence, which makes this trip to the church the easiest mission of this otherwise very hard game. The player, as confused as Tomoko, finally reaches the church and sees this :
    Damn, what a creepy game ...
    Post by: Patman, Oct 1, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  12. Patman

    Copy data?

    I read somewhere that some game (like Resident Evil 5) have save files that can' t be copied or transfered to another PSN account. The only way to transfer the save files and trophies of such games from one console to another is to link both consoles with a special cable and transfer your whole account. I don' t know if that' s a cut and paste or a copy and paste deal. Even if it is a copy and paste deal then your sister and you would have to share the same account, so it' s probably better to let your sister start that one game from scratch.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 30, 2011 in forum: Technology
  13. Patman
    The game actual production (which usually requires a year/a year and a half minimum) started only 4 months ago.
    Everything we' ve seen so far about Vs XIII was just pre-production smoke and mirrors, as in CGs and (computer ?) cinematics disguised as PS3 gameplay.

    Moving on to a general development update, Nomura said that because they're trying out a lot of new challenges, the development staff is still focused on the core members. However, they're making preparations to enter full production.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 30, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  14. Patman
    Not exactly, I just thought it was worth mentioning that smokers are a huge tax scapegoat. Qualify that however it pleases you, I wouldn' t call it a gain per say but it' s something. If cigarettes were suddenly prohibited no-smokers taxes would probably increase drastically, but then I suppose you wouldn' t mind.

    You can even caution some pretty stupid practices without even knowing it. I suspect very few people could claim that their consumer behaviors aren' t stupid at all. I don' t mind being called stupid for smoking but it always leaves me wondering if the accuser is really that justified to act holier-than-me about it. Fine, I' m stupid. Who isn' t ? I' m addicted, what' s your excuse ?

    Anyway, I think I'm done on that subject. The initial point I wanted to convey was that whatever you want to obtain from people asking nicely never hurts your chances.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 29, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  15. Patman
    I still don' t see what your subjective evaluation of the air quality has to do with this, it would poison someone regardless.

    Cigarettes are higly taxed, much more in France than in the US, if anything cigarettes highly reduce no-smokers taxes. They also give me pleasure. I know that it' s mostly an artificial pleasure, but it' s pleasure nonetheless.

    As long as the loss in using something outweighs the gains then using it is still stupid. Personally in that regard I would classify a huge chunk of our production and consumer behaviors as stupid.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 29, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Patman
    Just go on looking down on me then.
    A simple yes or no would do. What you said about that didn' t make much sense to me.
    You said you would berate people for polluting if you could sense that the air was not clean. Whether the air seems clean or not is irrelevant, smoke (amongst other things) will act as a poison regardless. I live in a small country town, the air seems perfectly clean to me here, and I don' t own a car, does that redeem my smoking habit ?
    You also suggested to download stuff, which implies to buy a computer and use electricity, which pollutes.
    Pollution always have consequences. Either polluting for futile reasons is acceptable or it' s not.

    In a nutshell if you want people to keep the world as healthy as humanly possible for you you might wanna start doing the same for them first. If you already do and intend to keep it that way then colour me genuinely impressed. Otherwise ... kettle calling pot.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 29, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  17. Patman
    Am I to understand that you' ve never ever polluted for futile reasons and never will ?

    Fine, please go on.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 29, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  18. Patman
    Loud and crappy music coming from a concert in my street while I' d rather sleep cannot be unheard, and yet the law expects all of us to deal with others freedom trespassing on ours as reasonable adults. Some people live near airports or freeways, for example, whose loud noises have an impact on their health. In such a situation would you propose to close the airport or try to go live elsewhere ? Freedom is about compromise, if we don' t like it where we are because someone else' s freedom is trespassing on ours (which is bound to happen if we don' t restrict freedom drastically) we' re free to move out, try to reach a compromise between adults, or suck it up.

    If we were to forbid people to smoke outdoors then we should also make a shitstorm of laws about pollution to avoid setting a double standard, and I bet most people wouldn' t want that, smokers or not. I know that our polluting and wasting consumer societies suck, but that' s neither here nor there. In a society where everyone is allowed to pollute copiously in public areas I expect to be allowed to smoke, that' s it.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 29, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. Patman
    Lol, avoid smoking makes a smoker uncomfortable. I can totally picture you bursting into a passionate and hostile debate (or rather monologue) on "how and why you are a ****** and will move away" with any (stunned) smoker that dares cross your path. ^^

    Your freedom stops right where that of others begins. If you' re hell bent on being uncompromising and/or untolerant with smokers who did not break any law then don' t be too surprised if some choose to return the favor and blow their smoke in your face instead. :lolface:
    Post by: Patman, Sep 29, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  20. Patman
    Then as long as you explain your situation nicely there shouldn' t be a probem, unless the smoker is a total ******.

    My wager would be that it has more to do with social behavior differences in our countries than with luck, no-smokers are notoriously more virulent towards smokers in the United States than in France.

    Even in a town as "small" as Paris (and even in towns smaller than Paris), you can feel it sometimes, usually in summer.
    Post by: Patman, Sep 29, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner