You mean that you have a Mickey head at the bottom section of this picture : That' s not the Reports section, that' s the Secret Reports section. Of course you have them all, you can' t finish the game without getting them all. What you actually need and may not have yet is a Mickey head for each Report Section of the in-game menu : Load each character file and open the Reports menu shown in the above picture. If you don' t see a Mickey head next to every Report section (Story, Secret Reports, Game Records, Character Files, The Unversed, Ice Cream Guide, Command Collection, Treasures, Sticker Album), for all three characters, then you missed something. Basically you have to obtain and beat everything there is to obtain and beat in the game (not counting Vanitas Remnant and Mysterious Figure).
OMG OMG OMFG, I DID IT ! I' VE FINALLY BEATEN MYSTERIOUS FIGURE ! YAAAAAAAY ! Beating Mysterious Figure did grant me 100% Combat Completion in the Trinity Archives, but the Item Collection only went from 98% to 99%. However people on the Gamefaqs forum say that you don' t need to beat Vanitas Remnant nor Mysterious Figure to unlock the secret ending in normal mode. Are you sure your Reports sections have Mickey heads everywhere (not just the secret reports, all the reports) ? With all three characters ?
Well, the walkthrough that I looked at on Gamefaqs says : Standard: You deal and receive normal damage. The secret ending is unlocked by completing the Final Episode and the Reports section. You will have to find every enemy, ability, sticker, and treasure, and also complete every mini-game with each character. That is not an easy task! Mysterious Figure and Vanitas Remnant are enemies, and they give some items (keyblades). However, the Gamefaqs cheat page says you just need all the reports, so I wasn' t sure what to believe (I play on Critical so I don' t really care anyway), but since you say that you completed the three report sections and it didn' t unlock the secret movie I suppose the walkthrough was right. In my Critical save file I have 100% report completion and I' ve beaten Vanitas Remnant with Ven and Terra, but my Trinity Archive Game Stats section says I have 99% combat and 98% item collection. I didn' t think of checking those stats before beating Vanitas Remnant a second time, so I' m not sure whether I need to beat him and MF once or thrice. This thread made me try to beat Mysterious Figure again I got pretty close a few hours ago, he had less than one HP bar left. If I manage to beat him just with Ven I' ll tell you if it was enough to get 100% everywhere.
His initiation journey/quest ? (if his journey wasn' t a source of learning for him at least it can be for others). Since life, in itself, is a journey ... yeah ... Coined in English 1387, the word hero comes from the Greek "ἥρως" (heros), "hero, warrior", literally "protector" or "defender" the postulated original forms of these words being *ἥρϝως, hērwōs, and *ἭρFα, Hērwā, respectively. It is also thought to be a cognate of the Latin verb servo (original meaning: to preserve whole) and of the Avestan verb haurvaiti (to keep vigil over), although the original Proto-Indoeuropean root is unclear. According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the Indo-European root is *ser meaning "to protect". According to Eric Partridge in Origins, the Greek word Hērōs "is akin to" the Latin seruāre, meaning to safeguard. Partridge concludes, "The basic sense of both Hera and hero would therefore be 'protector'." Question is ... protector of what exactly ?
Actually having 100% reports completion isn' t enough, you also gotta have four Mickey heads in the Trinity Archives Game Stats section, meaning you also need 100% items and enemies, including Mysterious Figure and his reward. I still haven' t beaten him, so I don' t know if beating him once is enough or if you have to beat him and Vanitas Remnant with all three characters. Let' s just say that starting the game from scratch in Proud Mode and running to the end would probably be quicker and easier.
It reminded me of "Pan' s labyrinth" : replace the fairy tale delirium with geek drug trips, the Spanish village with an asylum brothel, and there you have it.
I usually use the word "hero" when referring to the main character of a fiction, and "villain" when referring to the main antagonist. If the main character is bad I' ll call him a anti-hero. BTW, the modern sense of the word "villain" in French is either "ugly", "bad", or a mix of both. In French the bad antagonist is called "le méchant" (the bad guy). To me a hero/villain is a fictional character and/or a good/bad guy archetype. If I was to call a real person a hero or a villain that would probably be me being sarcastic. Although I believe we' re all equally equipped to deal with moral dilemmas there are some acts that remain truly impressive, for instance someone sacrificing his life to save a total stranger without pausing to think (which goes against the self-preservation instinct embedded in everyone' s DNA, I' m not sure it' s a reaction that anyone could train himself to have). I still wouldn' t call that person a hero, but I would have no problem qualifying his reaction as being heroic (although the person isn' t archetypal this isolated act fits the archetype). Same deal with the word villain, I' d rather speak of villainous acts than actual villains. Some people use the word "hero" to speak of real persons, implying that they feel some form of admiration or gratitude towards them. I don' t, but I get their point. They don' t necessarily mean they see their hero as superior (which I suppose is what you mean, Makaze, when speaking of deification), they probably think of their hero as a role-model rather than a god-like figure.
Recessive genes can remain "hidden" several dozen generations. I' m no expert but I suspect there isn' t a single individual on this planet that doesn' t carry a "bad" gene, recessive or not. Furthermore just because one gene seems to be "bad" doesn' t mean the individual who carries it is bad as a whole, what do you know, he could turn out to be one of the only individuals equipped to survive a future plague thanks to that "bad" gene, or grow to be the smart scientist who finds a cure to that plague. By weeding out "bad" genes you' ll weed out "good" ones too and valuable individuals. I don' t agree with Hitler' s definition of a "bad" gene or individual anyway (I suspect even he knew his "ideology" was total bullshit, he couldn' t even prove his four grandparents weren' t jews, as required by his own laws). Unless one is omniscient chances are his classification of genes or people value is actually ******ed. You can' t judge people by their genes, genes don' t decide everything. I' m glad I live in a society where all men are born equals in rights, the reason why some people wouldn' t be glad of it is beyond me. Ever watched "Welcome to Gattaca" ? [video=youtube;6-vHCyWVhNc][/video]
Err ... no. Poor Hitler didn' t even know how genes work, turns out it' s not that simple. No they wouldn' t. Thousands and thousands of years of natural selection weren' t enough to get rid of diseases and inabilities, do you really think any kind of "superior race" selection would do a better job at it ? Diversity is actually a good thing : on one hand the more diverse we are the more situations we can survive, on the other hand inbreeding says hi (mating with people who have genes too similar to ours leads to bad things). Shortening the pool of available genes would only make us weaker as a species, it' s an utterly ******ed idea. Eugenics can only be harmful on the long run.
I' m sorry to hear that, I can assure you it' s illegal in France.
It' s racist propaganda, therefore illegal, only if it depicts a racist society as being ideal, or at least as being a good one. I don' t know this game, but from what I' ve read in this thread the world of W40K doesn' t look ideal at all. Egotistic rulers dividing to conquer, how refreshing ! Anyway, depicting a racist society (or any society that puts the blame for its problems on a scapegoat) in a fiction is the best way to denounce it and expose its flaws. It' s also a cautionary tale as to how and why people have let such societies emerge in the past. One would think that such a lesson should already be learned by now, but History has a way of repeating itself. If some people are dumb enough to see some appeal in such societies when they are depicted in all their glorious horror then they are dumb enough to have stupid ideas on their own sooner or later. Don' t blame the book they read, the movie they watched or the game they played, blame them; they' ve been to school and should know better. Besides, isn' t censorship one of the most beloved and trusted tool of scapegoat-society rulers ?
I wish ! It' s not me, it' s Snow and his brand new FF XIII-2 haircut. SNOWSE A CHOCOBO NAOW !!!!!!!
I made one this week-end, I' m sure you' ll love it ! Spoiler
Same here.
Uh oh ... I' m outta here ...
Type 0 has 2 UMDs, its sold around 70 dollars in Japan (and the limited edition is around 120 dollars, holy smoking cow !) If 40 dollars PSP AAA titles don' t necessarily sell as much as expected it' s only natural that they have doubts about releasing a 70 dollars PSP title, as hyped as it may be. I can wrap my brain around that, but the fact that they maintain total radio silence about any form of release in the US and Europe is starting to get on my nerves big time.
"This video isn' t available in your country." You tube says it' s because its nazi content is illegal here. Good job censors, now I want to watch it even more !
Of course I di...