Judging by the trailer we should (finally) get to see how the founding Organization XIII members turned into nobodies. That' s kinda like dying, right ? Sort of ?
Also, Captain Obvious wouldn' t have to ask, he' d merely state the obvious.
About who' s the most dangerous : [video=youtube;jAAWxDNR2ic]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAAWxDNR2ic&feature=related[/video] Buffy (pouty) : "That was rhetorical ..."
Lestat was applauding.
I played the demo. The 2D Greenhill Zone felt like a carbon copy of the Genesis one, and the 3D Greenhill Zone gave me mixed feelings. As usual the speed effect feels really nice, but it makes you notice everything there is to notice two seconds too late. Could be fun, especially for those who didn' t play the Genesis games, but the Rayman Origins demo I downloaded the same day made it rather obvious that it' s a much more ambitious platformer.
Troll gift ?
Sadly I can' t cook either. I do know how to make a more than decent tarte tatin, but all I have in what I dare call a kitchen is a frying pan and a microwave. ;_;
Wait ... did he look like this ?
The same thing happened to me ten years ago. I' m afraid it' s something only time will mend (as much as such things can be mended), lots of time. As people already said try to talk about it. I hope you have other good friends to rely on, you' ll need them to move on. Moving on is slow, tedious, it probably seems pointless to you right now since you realize now more than ever that nothing is eternal, but it' s the best thing to do. We recognize happiness at the deafening sound it makes when it leaves, use this as a lesson, every once in a while try to ponder on what or who around you makes you happy, and enjoy them to their fullest before they make that sound. I' m sorry for your loss. This also happened to me and it wasn' t exactly a pleasant experience. At some point you have to wake up and realize the horrible truth. Again. As long as his/her death hasn' t really sunk in those dreams will be painful.
I didn' t have any phobia, just normal scares that I could easily deal with, however I had recursing dreams and nightmares. There was a theme there : me flying or dying. Not sure what it says about me. Anyway, dying was really painful and I grew tired of it, after having several of those nightmares I ended up seeing them for what they were, just nightmares, and learned how to willingly wake myself up. I wish I knew back then that I could have learned to take full control over my dreams instead ... I still have nightmares but not often and never the same, so they fool me to the end.
The closer you get to someone whose light shines brightly (or, say, someone slim), the more your own darkness (fatness) becomes apparent by contrast, to you or to others. Basically this sentence is a nudge to the Sora-Riku dynamic.
They' re restrictions nonetheless, and for a second I thought you suggested being omnipotent meant having no restrictions at all.
See, that' s the thing, there has to be conditions or else it makes no sense. Is an omnipotent being able to break anything and able to create an unbreakable object at the same time ? Philosophers have argued about omnipotence better than I ever will, but as I see it a genie is very much omnipotent.
Technically you can do anything, you' re just not allowed to. As Sforzato pointed out once the wish is granted it' s too late to debate whether you got what you actually meant or not, whether the genie played with words or not, and to question the genie' s definition of "omnipotent" (which is debatable).
Again, he could just turn you into a genie. You never said anything about being free. Unless you come up with a thirty pages loophole-free contract the genie might just screw you (and even then you still might screw yourself with your newfound powers, which is exactly why there' s a saying that goes "be careful what you wish for ... you might get it").
Or be turned into a genie. Teleportation is already dangerous anyway, an evil genie wouldn' t even have to mess with your wish. You want to be able to teleport ? Sure, go ahead, have fun teleporting into a child you didn' t know was there, or in front of a car you couldn' t see coming from where you were, or ...
This should help you (for now) : http://www.siliconera.com/2011/08/12/final-fantasy-type-0-japanese-demo-guide/
I' ve finally beaten him this afternoon ! Not on Critical Mode (or am I just unlucky ?) I didn' t want to rely on any kind of surge anyway, the fight was too intense for me to waste my time switching between commands (by the time I got to to the command I needed, or realized I already had the right command, most of the time it was too late to use it). I took only Curagas commands, disabled the abilities you mentioned and also every magic or reload boost, and just as you said I rolled around like crazy and hit him when it was safe. Depending on the situation I hit him either with a single regular keyblade hit, some well-timed Renewal Blocks followed by counters, or some quick Pulse Bomb Shotlocks (a third or a half bar damage if he doesn't Renewal Block it, which he will do if you' re too greedy and charge it for too long). If you manage to build up the focus bar right at the beginning of the fight, using two block-counters in a row, it allows you to throw a finish command (Ven' s Stratosphere deals almost a full bar damage if every hit lands, if you manage to pull this off twice you' re already mid-fight). Also, I noticed that the Ultima Weapon keyblade deals more damage in this fight, physical or magical, than the Void Gear, despite what their stats say.