Depends which command you' re trying to level up : TERRA FINISHER | HOW TO GAIN EXPERIENCE | PREREQUISITE FINISHER | Finish | N/A | N/A | Heat Slash 1 | Activate Firestorm 8 times | Finish | Rising Rock 1 | Earn 2000 CP | Finish | Gold Rush | Earn 1000 Munny | Finish | Ramuh's Judgment | Activate Thunderbolt 12 times | Rising Rock 1 | Rising Rock 2 | Earn 4200 CP | Rising Rock 1 | Twisted Hours | Walk 7000 steps | Rising Rock 1,Gold Rush | Surprise! 1 | Earn 1400 Munny | Gold Rush | Dark Star 1 | Kill 420 enemies | Rising Rock 2 | Heal Strike | Survive lethal damage with Once More,Second Chance 5 times| Rising Rock 2 | Random End | Walk 8000 steps | Twisted Hours | Surprise! 2 | Earn 5200 Munny | Twisted Hours,Surprise 1| Dark Star 2 | Kill 550 enemies | Dark Star 1 | Explosion | Earn 6400 CP | Dark Star 1 | Demolition | Earn 10000 CP | Dark Star 2 | VEN FINISHER | HOW TO GAIN EXPERIENCE | PREREQUISITE FINISHER | Finish | N/A | N/A | Heat Slash 1 | Activate Firestorm 8 times | Finish | Air Flair 1 | Earn 2000 CP | Finish | Gold Rush | Earn 1000 Munny | Finish | Ramuh's Judgment | Activate Thunderbolt 12 times | Air Flair 1 | Air Flair 2 | Earn 4000 CP | Air Flair 1 | Twisted Hours | Walk 7000 steps | Air Flair 1, Gold Rush | Surprise! 1 | Earn 1400 Munny | Gold Rush | Air Flair 3 | Walk 4500 steps | Air Flair 2 | Heal Strike | Survive lethal damage with Once More,Second Chance 5 times| Air Flair 2 | Surprise! 2 | Earn 5200 Munny | Twisted Hours,Surprise 1| Air Flair 4 | Walk 7000 steps | Air Flair 3 | Explosion | Earn 6400 CP | Air Flair 3 | Celebration | Earn 7000 Munny | Surprise! 2 | Stratosphere | Kill 800 enemies | Air Flair 4 | AQUA FINISHER | HOW TO GAIN EXPERIENCE | PREREQUISITE FINISHER | Finish | N/A | N/A | Heat Slash 1 | Activate Firestorm 8 times | Finish | Magic Pulse 1 | Earn 2000 CP | Finish | Gold Rush | Earn 1000 Munny | Finish | Heat Slash 2 | Activate Firestorm 12 times | Heat Slash 1 | Ramuh's Judgment | Activate Thunderbolt 12 times | Magic Pulse 1 | Magic Pulse 2 | Earn 3800 CP | Magic Pulse 1 | Twisted Hours | Walk 7000 steps | Magic Pulse 1, Gold Rush| Surprise! 1 | Earn 1400 Munny | Gold Rush | Magic Pulse 3 | Kill 350 enemies | Magic Pulse 2 | Heal Strike | Survive lethal damage with Once More,Second Chance 5 times| Magic Pulse 2 | Surprise! 2 | Earn 5200 Munny | Twisted Hours,Surprise 1| Magic Pulse 4 | Kill 500 enemies | Magic Pulse 3 | Explosion | Earn 6400 CP | Magic Pulse 3 | Ice Burst | Activate Diamond Dust 15 times | Magic Pulse 3 | Teleport Spike | Kill 800 enemies | Magic Pulse 4 |
Sorry to break your heart but SE has officially denied everything this (appropriately named) Vandal site said. I won' t link any erratum cause I only saw those on French sites, but I saw a shitload of them.
I had a tough virus once, it prevented me to do anything unless I started windows on safe mode. Even Malewarebytes wasn' t enough to get rid of it. I finally found something that worked : SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition. BTW, do you sometimes plug a USB drive into your library computers ? Did you run an anti-virus check on all your USB drives ? Sometimes viruses lodge themselves there, they can travel from one computer to another that way .
Judging from the Narnia movies Aslan is literally God (or rather God as CS Lewis understood him). I haven' t read the books though ... Magic, or a gay father figure and his zoophilic brother.
I wouldn' t know, I' ve never tried it. Is it wrong if I' d rather read One Piece ?
. .. ... So ... saying that J-RPGs have kindergarten-level philosophy is not insulting to the writers ? I' m sure Tetsuya Takahashi would be delighted to hear that. Am I allowed to say that Americans are fat-asses, or that Muslims are terrorists just because it' s a very observable trend ? It would be wrong, and possibly a tad insulting. I guess one could twist such stereotypes to make a funny joke, sure, but the above picture doesn' t exactly have me rolling on the ground. If the pictures were labeled with adequate game names it would be truer and at least as much funny, wouldn' t it ? Aw, look at me being all serious in the spam zone, me cheese eating surrender monkey ! Now that is very true.
"J-RPG" and "W-RPG" is only a indication about where the game was made, it says absolutely nothing about the gameplay. Also there' s no correlation between the scenario complexity and the fact that the game is linear or open-world. I couldn' t disagree more. The third is probably right though, dunno ...
I doubt SE would just go "Tell you what, it' s ok if you choose to completely ignore what we' ve worked on so hard for months, dump the monster and pick a human instead. We bothered to create 150 + monsters, a raising system, a fusion system, but who cares, right ?" Raising a top-notch monster is quite time-consuming, a single playthrough won' t cut it and it will force the player to spend a lot of money. On the upside it gives the player much more customization freedom than the lousy Crystarium, on the downside you still can' t create your own jobs by combining the basic ones. I really don' t understand why the hell they didn' t give as much customization freedom to Noel and Serah though ... Oh well, I can' t stand the Paradigm Shift anyway. That' s too bad, If there was a way to completely remove AIs and stop the timer whenever we enter a menu I would want that game badly, despite the Monster-MagicalMarySue-WhatsHisFace poor mandatory trio.
Valkyrie Profile is ... legendary. You have to play 1 (PSP) to understand 2 (PS2). If you like T-RPGs and own a DS or an emulator then you can play Covenant Of The Plume (it' s a side-story so you can play it even if you never played the others).
Or rather because they wanted to do something like Valkyrie Profile. Death Goddess ? Check. Pretty ? Check. Armor ? Check. Feathers ? Check check. Spoiler [video=youtube;PCGw3amXzg4][/video] [video=youtube;vmct9Ak3Pt8][/video]
I' ve got the feeling it won' t happen nearly as much as you' d like. Probably the intro, and that' s it folks ... If it turns out I' m wrong keep a "Lightning save file" and don' t overwrite it.
You can change who you play with mid-fight, you can also play the monster with summon-type controls. Just know that when Noel and Serah are dead it' s game over, even if the monster is still alive. I suppose we can rule out any permanent member other than Noel and Serah. BTW Chev, if you were still hoping to have Lightning join as a permanent member :
Hardest boss I' ve ever fought in a RPG (and beaten on a regular PS1 without cheating, don' t ask me how I did it, I' m ****ing lucky) : SaGa Frontier 2 last boss, The Egg. Spoiler [video=youtube;g3kPPM_HUG4][/video] [video=youtube;fxoyAZj-7jg][/video] I' ve never played that game, it' s Panzer Dragoon right ? Is the black-white sequence random, or can you just learn it by heart ? That' s a lot of bullets. Is it just me or the player hit box is ridiculously small ?
Xehanort seemed to imply otherwise in his BBS secret reports. Personally I would be glad if KH3 was the last corridor-based game in the series. I' d rather explore one huge world full of wide areas than a bunch of tiny islands (literally).
Food + Star Wars = nerd foodporn (even if you don' t get to see the food).
Hmm, the weirdest songs we know by heart huh ? A bunch of Tryo songs, that' s the weirdest I' ve got. Spoiler [video=youtube;-cYvYBXAmus][/video] Don' t ask me to do all the weird a-capella stuff though.
Well, BBS secret reports and the tale told by Kairi' s grany give us a good idea of what will happen in the end. The BBS ending says that the worlds will be saved by Sora and Riku, but in his letter Mickey says he thinks that the truth behind the Keyblade lies within Sora, Riku and Kairi. I suppose she' ll stick to her supporting role (she' ll figure out something the other two are clueless about or whatever). If she does take part in the fighting I think it will be very sporadic. Either she' ll suck as usual or, at best, she' ll use a princess of heart hidden skill, something akin to the way Zelda "fights" Ganon. Serah literally growing a pair and super duper fighting techniques in like thirty seconds is probably the most ridiculous thing I' ve ever seen in a FF. Seriously. Kairi sucks at fighting, true, but when she really has to she does fight. Although she usually fights for others rather than for herself she' s not just a passive crybaby. Serah on the other hand ... let' s see, what' s her story in FFXIII again ? She weeps, she weeps some more, she weeps while kissing Snow, weep, kiss, weep, kiss ... thirty weep-kiss loops later she still has no frigging idea what she could do so she weeps some more, turns into a crystal (at that point the player cries ... in relief), is freed in the end, and resumes the kissing. Mind blown. No really, Kairi (or even Twilight' s Bella) deserves a frigging massive feminist medal when compared to Serah.