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  1. Patman
    I think Nomura is only comfortable using characters he designed himself, anyone else gets a lame cameo at best (Vivi).
    Post by: Patman, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  2. Patman
    As far as we can tell it' s because of cultural differences. For example some religious rites addressed to deceased ancestors can only be performed by a male family member. Those cultural differences are slightly shown in Mulan. Also sex equality isn' t exactly enforced in Chinese society.

    India doesn' t have a one-child policy and yet it has an astounding female abortion rate, also for cultural reasons (for instance in India raising a boy is much cheaper than raising a girl).

    I guess those countries could forbid doctors to reveal the child sex as long as the mother can legally abort, it would prevent sex-selective abortions. That doesn' t seem to be what the Chinese government has in mind, they intend to change the cultural outlook on female children, and enforce sex equality in society.

    If one-child policies were to be enforced in the US or in Europe I' m not sure it would lead to a gender imbalance. I would only vouch for such a policy as a last resort (if the situation really calls for it and no one can think of an alternative solution).
    Post by: Patman, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Debate Corner
  3. Patman
    Note to self : Make sure to never meet Britishism IRL.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Patman
    Really ? Why are you even here ? Champaign ! ^^
    (Feel free to erase this utmost relevant post).
    Post by: Patman, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.8: Final Chapter Prologue
  5. Patman
    When I was a lil kid and watched the show I did notice that Pooh was a glutton and a thief. I remember that he gets punished for his gluttony (for instance he ends up stucked in a doorway for eating too much, problem is he doesn' t retain any lesson more than 30 seconds), but I can' t remember if his thievery is acknowledged by anyone, in any shape or form.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 3, 2011 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  6. Patman
    There are laws for this. I suggest you thoroughly check the laws that apply in your area in such instances, especially who' s financially responsible for what, otherwise anything you say won' t hold much weight.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  7. Patman
    "L' an dernier j' étais encore un peu prétentieux, mais cette année je suis parfait."
    - San Antonio

    Last year I was still a little pretentious, but this year I' m perfect.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. Patman
    The animated series is made with Maya (a 3D CG software).
    They could do something like Paper Mario, or just a plain 2D game. I doubt they' ll bother, but they could.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 2, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  9. Patman
    ^ This, and also because there are people crazy enough to buy them at such a price.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Patman


    Post by: Patman, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Patman
    It' s a virus that makes you emo.
    Post by: Patman, Dec 1, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Patman
    Ever tried some meditation or relaxation techniques ? Different meditation techniques are suited to different personality types, some of them can be practiced quickly, anytime, any place. Maybe you should try to look for some that work for you. I mean pure techniques, forget any sketchy "how you should think" guidebook that one might lead you to believe is part of the package.

    A technique that works for me is the caffeine nap.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 30, 2011 in forum: Help with Life
  13. Patman
    Why would you be a Twihard (or anything-hard really) to begin with ?
    Why would you expect a Twihard to be reasonable ?
    Post by: Patman, Nov 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Patman
    Damn, what kind of screens do you guys have ? I can' t see those pixels on my computer screen unless I bring my face right in front of it.

    I do see pixels on my HDTV, even from a distance, but then your avy looks just as pixelated, Makaze.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Patman
    Lol, welcome to my world. I never asked them to shoe-horn some IAs or to bring the main series closer to an A-RPG feeling and yet they' re hellbent on doing so. The series has shied away from its original formula since FFX, SE made quite a lot of drastic choices that were sure to get them some backlash since then, so it' s nothing new really.

    Until FF IX they only tweaked the growth system and abilities, the rest of the gameplay was pretty much always the same. In each marketing operation they troll about the fact that the FF series was always about unrestricted change but that' s a blatant lie, those changes were restricted to a specific gameplay area.

    They obviously don' t feel that they can' t be innovative or successfull anymore if they don' t shy away from those restrictions, 4 Heroes Of Light and Bravely Default are living proof of it. Therefore my conclusion is that they' re just not interested in keeping the series to its roots. They don' t give a **** about what the series was, they want to catter to a younger, broader, fresh audience.

    They said they wanted to listen to fans complaints, true, but put yourself into the SE marketing manager shoes for a second, who would you listen :

    - Patman : "Oh dear God, FFXIII sucked in so many ways I wouldn' t know where to begin. Just respect the old formula dammit !"

    - Average SE Fanboy (who probably never played anything older than FFX) : "FFXIII was linear, but otherwise you guys rock ! I' d be delighted to see the series grow into a KH wannabe with Pokemon elements, but honestly, whatever you guys do, as long as it' s pretty with cutsy shonen poser morons tormented by a mature and profound drama (mature and profound = don' t forget I' m 16 years old) just shut up and take my money lol !"

    It' s not that I don' t like it, it' s just that I prefer a system that allows some personal customization and experimentation rather than "which road do you want to take first, you' ll take them all anyway and end up with the character we want you to become". Also I' m not a big fan of switching between six basic jobs. They still haven' t revealed any new job, have they ?

    Not a chance lol, but ask them about a Type 0 localization while you' re at it.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  16. Patman
    It' s not about all the different viruses that we know of and ever existed all over the world, it' s about one specific virus, the H5N1. It exists here and now, to my knowledge people have been infected with it from Asia to Europe. All the strains of this specific virus that we ever came across are five mutations away tops from going airborne. The article doesn' t specify how many of those five mutations have already been found in nature in the same strain (at least one), all it says is that it took 10 generations in a lab for one H5N1 virus strain to have all those five mutations and go airborne.

    I admit I pulled that 100% out of my ass, to be more accurate let' s just say that the chances for the H5N1 to go airborne on its own, in the big lab that is planet Earth, are freakishly high.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  17. Patman
    That' s not how it works, they have absolutely no way to predict what a given mutation consequences will be. They just studied this virus possible mutations and it so happens that one of them is way deadlier than the original.

    As I already explained some virus strains found in nature are four or less mutations away from this super lethal version. Viruses have a very short life-cycle and a high reproduction rate, i.e. they mutate very quickly. It' s only a matter of time before these four measly mutations appear in nature in the same virus strain on their own. When do you think would be the right time to study viruses and their possible mutations ? When half the population is already dead ? They say ignorance is bliss, but ignorance is ... well, dumb.

    Woah, hold your horses, we' re not there yet. Besides, once this virus particular strain appears in nature then if a pandemic starts, if a cure exists and people buy plenty of it then it won' t be paranoia, just a very reasonable precaution. Seems far more reasonable to buy than mascara to me.

    The government could try to take advantage of it, true, it' s not unheard of (unless they were just misinformed and/or overcautious, choosing the "better safe than sorry" approach, after all we blamed them for not being cautious enough in the past), but hey, last time it happened here in France the medias were pretty clear about the real level of danger we were in and about the vaccine serious side-effects (so clear that few people actually took the vaccine).
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  18. Patman
    Humm, let' see ...

    For quick munny the Mirage Arena Risky Riches battle is probably the best place to go. You' ll also gain some much needed medals in the process, and tons of Dancin' Lemon, three birds with one stone. Having some Megaflare commands would greatly speed up the process, with those you can kill everyone in less than a minute. If you use a Group Cura at least once per battle you' ll gain more medals.

    For quick Exp, CP or enemies kill count the best place to go is the Reactor in Radiant Garden (that is if you have some Megaflares, otherwise there' s no real quick place to go): get near the center to make enemies appear, get away, throw a Megaflare, when some more enemies appear throw another Megaflare, exit the screen, enter it again, repeat as needed. If you have Exp Chance then turn off any Treasure Magnet you have, get your character HP bellow 25% and be carefull not to absorb any HP prize dropped by enemies, it will increase your Exp gain.

    For command styles either use ice creams or commands : using several fire-type commands in a raw will activate Firestorm, using several thunder-type commands in a row will activate Thunderbolt etc ...

    For steps ... get your character in a large place without enemies, far from walls, put some tape on your PSP to hold the controller right or left and go to sleep, to school, watch a movie or whatever ...
    Post by: Patman, Nov 29, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  19. Patman
    Oh, I don' t know, to save lives maybe ?
    As this article points out only five mutations separate the original virus from this new version, and all five of them have already been found in nature in five different viruses. This means that the odds for that new virus to naturally appear on its own are, like, 100%. The real question is when.

    No one in his right mind would finance some research looking for a cure to a disease that doesn' t even exist, but now that we know that it will appear in nature sooner or later (even if terrorists never get their hands on it), we can start searching for a cure before any pandemic even happen. In order to find cures and anticipate pandemics we need to study viruses and their possible mutations, can' t have one without the other.

    The only stupid idea I see in this article is the desire to publish the research results publicly, it should be divulged on a need to know basis. Whether those informations save or kill people depends on who has them and what they do with it.

    Poor ferrets indeed, but as much as I' m inclined to weep for animals that are used to test trivial things, like cosmetics, when it comes to vital researches that can save lives I' m not against animal experimentation.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 28, 2011 in forum: Current Events
  20. Patman
    I forgot some important info so I edited.

    You can only make progress towards learning a new finish command if one of its prerequisites is equipped. So for example, picking up Munny will only help you learn Surprise 1 if Gold Rush is equipped.
    Post by: Patman, Nov 28, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help