You have the toolbar installed? Good, then you are completely prepared for the morning lol. Or atleast my morning XD I forgot what time it was for...
Six hours and seventeen minutes remaining lol
lol Twould be wise lol. However you will need an account to make it work. I suggest the toolbar because otherwise you will be downloading these...
Ha, the upload may take longer then expected. Acording to media fire, I have 7 hours remaining on upload XD You should have it by morning lol...
I am uploading now :) By chance, do you have the media fire toolbar installed on your computer?
Good :D I am nearly done splitting the file. This is going to be in several thousand pieces lol. It will be in a folder, so no worries about...
Good, then in that case you need to download a file called HJSplit. HJSplit is a program that can smash files into as little or as large pieces as...
Okay, then in that case I will just give you a copy of mine :) You are going to have to download a program however, because in order to use media...
Well, I have not had this problem. Maybe it is thw ISO? I am not sure. We have three options. one option being try agian from step one, I give you...
Good, now with everything in the folder on your C: drive, drag the patch onto the patcher. After the patch is on the patcher, a box should pop up...
Yup, just the KH2FM ISO :) You dont need the folder, just the ISO file inside it :) Once you have the KH2FM ISO in there, you are going to have...
Yes, the intire ziped file is an ISO. for some reason un beknownsed to me, all ISO files are editable with 7-zip, winzip, and pretty much all...
By chance, did you ectract the contents of the ISO? Because you are not soposed to do that XD I mean you can, but its not easy to put it back...
OH MY GOD! YOUR ALIVE! :D Hey man, its been too long! :D
I am home :D Okay, the name of the ISO is just whatever text the file has. however, i realised the ISO has a space in the name. So find the ISO...
Sorry for the short chat, but I must go, my lunch break is over lol. Copy and paste the name of the ISO after KH2FM_patched\ and make sure you...
Good, good. Now drag the patch onto the patcher, and a black box should pop up :D You will be able to type in this box. We are going to have to...
Okay, go into your C: drive and make a new folder. Name that folder KH2FM_patched. For some reason, the patcher does not like spaces in any names....
I am sorry, but I must go to bed. If you wish, tommorrow I can show you how to patch your ISO and make it english :D I wish you a good afternoon,...
That is the emulator, that is the emulator setup, and now you know how to use it. Under system is Boot CDVD, by default it will have the last ISO...