Hmm... Combination of both.... Should be intresting. I shall figure it out lol. How are you?
Okay, good night man :D
LOL Yea, stingy works XD Not very giving of rep lol. There is nothing to really keep with rep, so I guess they arent cheritable lol. I hang...
XD lol I see your point. Your such an awesome person, how can you not have rep?! XD
lol I am famous in Sweden? Sweet XD Oh, you mean on KH-vids? lol I guess I am famous, but only to a small group of people. And I guess some...
lol Yup. Well actually not. Well, somewhere in the middle. Any random person off the street could probably care less lol. The people in the...
Question: Within a few days I will attempt to jump into the actual building proccess of the game. For battles and menus and such, should we use...
lol I got the recording, however it bugs the hell out of me with how laggy it gets with the recording program XD. I tried using Youtube aswell,...
Oh, and awesome little fact, my great great (insert a few greats here lol) uncle once removed founded the very town I live in! :D
So, now that you have your ISO in english, how are you doing? :D I havent asked, the past few days have been mainly techy stuff lol.
lol Alot of haritige? Is that the word you are looking for? If not, I dunno. Geneticly speaking I get around alot lol. XD And Me either. I am...
lol Glad to be of survice :D Be aware, there are a few mistakes. A person whos main launguage is Italian made this patch. (I have found two...
Its in one piece on your desktop now? Then now take all the fragments and drop them in your Recycling bin. Open your emulator, find the iso, and...
lol Whats wrong with Hungary? lol I am half hungarian :D So I guess its just a calling back to my roots lol. I am a mutt, so to go to all my roots...
Ah, good. Now go to the program you downloaded, HJsplit and open it. click the button that says join and a box will pop up. On that box, click the...
Its not all that far. Atleast on a global scale lol. Indeed by bus. Unfortinitly not, DC is as far as I have gone. I wish to go to England however...
Any luck with admin?
Hey bro :) Any game name ideas yet? That, and any preference for what platform it is on? I can do Android, IOS, X-box, Wii, Mac, PC, and tabletts
The furthest I have ever traveled is to washington DC lol I got to stand in front of the white house lawn and see the spelling error on th lincon...
Ah, thats alright :) Tell me when you have it downloaded :)