...Oh. >< I must have mis-read the post...again. In that case, I'd buy a new one...sorry to say it.
If you have Ultimate Keyblade, I'd use that. Like Roxas said, it's pretty much a hack-n'-slash fight. Make sure you're on a high level too, and heal often. That charge thing he does takes a lot off of Sora's health. When Ansem does that...thing where he send that bodyguard thing into the ground and it pops up under Sora, make sure to super glide a lot so it doesn't hit you as much. I hope this helps, it did for me. =P
Let me guess, her mom died, no? :( That's too bad...
I use liquid. I think the liquid would be better...but that's just me.
Thank you so much! I love it!
Oh, I heard of that. :( It's really too bad. I feel bad for the families. R.I.P
I get some soap...any type of soap, and rub it around in circles with the softest piece of material I can find. It works for me. =/
No, you're not insane...and you have a good point. ZakuraRabbit has a good point too. Not only is the strength of the Heartless depended on how strong the heart is, it's also depends on how much they like, depended on darkness and stuff. Sora, being the Keyblade Master, had no darkness in his heart, therefore, he was turned into the weakest of Heartless.
I don't think Mr. Disney would have any problems with the game...maybe the change of attire would be a bit bugging, but I think that would be it. I:
I would have two sticks that's renamed after the Oblivion and Oathkeeper. XP
I just ran around curing myself like hell. The only major problem I had was Berserk. NEVER FIGHT SEPHIE WITH BERSERK EQUIPPED.
Riku. His win totally pwns Sora. :P
I like the Teen Titans parody the best. XXXPPP That's my fav.
This was actually a hard decision... There's Xaldin, who quickly kicked my *** after a minute or so, and Xigbar....who was only hard to beat because Sora kept going into anti-form. T_T
O.O I kinda thought we could eat them...but that works?
Simple and Clean (PLANITb Remix) -Hikaru? (It doesn't say.. T_T)
*flies out of tree* I got coconuts!
Sounds like fun. :) I call Roxas
.... I like taco's. :yelling: