XDDD!!!! I win? Damn, I have to wait 6 seconds...
Seizure of Power- Marilyn Mansion (SP?)
I'll gladly join you. My sister is also obsessed with High School Musical...I swear she does it all to torture me. Every damn day she plays the soundtrack over a CD player thing, and she doesn't stop for like, 5 hours straight. My god, when she does that, suicide sounds WONDERFUL. High School Musical is the ultimate FAIL. The acting is horrible, the music is disgusting...HSM is just to horrible for words. This is the first place where people actually agree with me that it sucks. Everyone else thinks I belong in an asylum. It usually makes me want to do this: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL = THE ULTIMATE FAIL!
DragonRiders of Pern. I couldn't focus too well when I was reading it. Ugh, To Kill a Mockingbird is the first one on my Worst Books list. DX
RoxasxNamine and AkuRoku. They both need to be erased from the KH Pairings of Youth.
...I'm bored...T_T
Aww, why did Penguin kill teh froggy? :( *accidentally runs over a squirrel*
Totally. ^_^
XD Lol, postage.
...Where did that come from? :S
Where's My Pr0n?!?! :censor:
O.O I'm going to my gram-gram's tomorrow. :O Oh yup I'm bored...