T_T I'm so out of it today.
...That must suck. ><
A :censor: T :censor: L :censor: A :censor: N :censor: T :censor: I :censor: C :censor: A
Rixka. Nobody can figure out my name. >D :noworries:
I don't watch much Anime, so I'll have to say Naruto...
Holiday- Green Day
I agree. D<
...O.O WTF did they do to it?!?! O.O
I woke up at 5 in the morning by it asking me to feed it. It was as scary as hell.
I'll take that as a no... :nono:
I lol'd hard.
Cookies anyone? O.o
Agreed. Agreed.
Every one of those actors/creators needs to be shot!!! Or die a painful death. I'd totally pay Gaara 10,000$$ to Sand Coffin those guys out of their pants. Goddamn everyone in that movie to hell. I bet Barbosa himself wouldn't even SPIT in their direction. I have never liked anything from Disney Channel, and I never will. Even Walt Disney World itself has been poisoned from this ****. It's ****ing everywhere!! Jesus Christ, High School Musical is OVERRATED, and defines FAIL. Not even fail can define this goddammed movie. I seriously hope someone who made that movie/acted in it sees this topic. Maybe they can actually use their brains and stop the torture...PLEASE...
I'm pretty sure everyone does. DX
Hot damn, that's one sexy cookie!! *droolage*
Nyuu! MAH!!! :yelling:
Force is good.