Homygawd, I made a siggy. Mah first one. =o Yeah, I didn't use any brushes...I just looked through a really long tutorial. T_T I still gotta do the dishes.... Yeah, it looks like crap, I know. T_T
6 I fail at life. -_-
Now now children, be nice.
i'll Keep That In Mind! :yelling: :yelling: :yelling: Dramatic spacing makes everything better.
Forgive me if I'm being a noob and posting in the wrong spot...I'm not thinking the best today...:nono: Yeah, I'm trying to make all the winfull siggies that everyone else is making, only I have Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7. I have no idea how to download renders/brushes/whatever else the hell people use. *Won't go on in case post is in wrong spot. >.<*
Gawwwwd daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn....! My feet are killing me. :( And making siggy's on JPS is freakin' hard.
I hate those commercials where it has that girl talking in IM lingo. I want to go into the TV and slap her. TISNF! (it took me like, 2 minutes to try and type that out correctly) Ah, shut up.
XD Nice point. I agree 16848%
I'd like to meet Roxas and all of his sexiness.
Owwwch >:O Stupid bee.
I know how you feel. I thought this forum hated my guts as much as you do now. Except for the forum flame war thing and getting neg repped for whatever, almost everything in that quote happened to me, and still does sometimes. But, I decided to give it a second chance, and it's better than I expected. I haven't really talked to you much, but you've defined awesomeness when I did. I honestly think this forum's gonna lose a big chunk of itself with you going, and I'm not just saying that to make this post sound more mushy. But if you want to go, I'm not stopping you.I'll miss you, that's certain.
That's the world anymore. People put aside religion and all those other sweets for presents/whatever the hell they want. It's called greediness, my friend.
I'll be sure to try that... I always went to the...eh...Peak of Pride Rock and watch Goofy and Donald beat up all of the (insert Heartless name here). XD *my memory's not the best.*
I think I half look like Larxene. I got the long hair, but it's really... curly/bushy. T_T
*drags self out of bedroom* Oh yup...
Well, I just beat the Dragon lady...(forgot her name...) and I slammed my analog into the floor, and broke it. I wasn't able to play for a week...and I couldn't' save my game either.
I quadruple that. I HIGHLY doubt any machine of any type will take over the world, even if we were to come up with some artificial intelligence.
Lol, nice. XP I have 700 posts. O.O
...Have I made this thread before?...gah.. Anyway, what are the commercials that make you want to throw your TV out the window? Every commercial known to man for me. (700 posts! O.O)
Cartman, Cheese, Bloo, uuhh....