Amazon, Ebay...:I Lol, I didn't help much. X_X
Poptarts = win. Ello my duckie, and welcome to the forums! Post lots, have fun, and have a cookie! *gives you cookie*
Roxas! :yelling:
I used the Oathkeeper to beat him, since it boots up your Drive thing. I'd have every growth ability (along with Glide, High Jump, ect.) except BERSERK MODE. Don't equip Berserk...yeah, it helps beat him faster, but it takes forever for your MP gauge to refill, and it's a pain in the *** if you have to keep avoiding Sephie if you just need the ending hit of the combo, y'know?
I dance every time I hear it. :P Naruto said shiz. XP
Lol, Dragonball Z. All they do is talk for like, 36 episodes then they get to the fighting. IT ANNOYS ME TO HELL! Shut the f*ck up and fight plz. :rockdover:
I only failed math class 58 times! :yelling:
368,461,368,765,416,846,841,854 Am I close?
Rock Lee! His Youth rocks my socks! :yelling: POWER OF YOUUUUTH!
Naruto- 16854566/10 ^_^ Ratawhateverthehellit'scalled- 5/10
Thank you Split for helping me. ^_^ I finally was able to get some brushes and yeah. :D
I used GIMP, DM recommended it. Yeah, I've been searching on DA for some tutorials about brushes and such (with little progress... XP) Thanks for the comments. :D
I don't really hate them, but I do think they're wrapped up too much in the ..."negative" aspects of life. Going out the door and smelling a few roses wouldn't kill anyone.
It's ridiculous in a hilarious way. Only America. X.X Damn we're idiots...
I believe yous! Sisters can be a royal pain in the @$$. I have expierence.
Like I said, I didn't use any brushes...since I'm not the best at using them yet. XP
I don't have any problems with it. If two guys want to get married, let them.
I think so?.... XP I was listening to Smoke on the Water when I did this.
Whatever you do, DON'T EQUIP BERSERK MODE!! It's a wonderful way to quickly take out his health, but it's tricky when you're stuck in Berserk Mode and Sephiroth only needs one more hit for you to win.
I haven't...yet. I've been thinking about changing my name to Ris instead... :I