Jesus Christ, you're kidding me. I can't believe I fell for that... I still feel bad for Chris...
13th Reflection? Never heard of it...*listens to it for a while* Eeehhh...I say I like the 13th Struggle better.
I know! That's the one thing I LOATHE about this game. Atlantica was the most pointless world never helped level you up or just let you see that Sora singing can crack a mirror that's a mile away.
I get picked on like hell, but you get used to it once and a while. People don't care about how you are on the inside; it's what's on the OUTSIDE that counts anymore. Personally, I think it's all bull ****.
Yeah, I heard every ride like that in the country had to be shut down. I wouldn't be surprised.
I know! I hope....whoever made KH...knew what he was doing when he made the game so short.
Exactly. I agree.
It just shows that people...take rides like this too lightly. Every roller coaster, every ride that has you dropped from 200 feet above ground at 154 MPH is DANGEROUS. For some reason, I don't think we can fully understand this...
After reading that post, probably not. That post was longer than the game itself. I only have one thing for, make it two. Atlantica, for one. Do I really have to explain why? I do hope that won't rear its ugly head in KH III.... The shortness of it all. It took me half a week to beat this...even on Proud mode, while it took me a freakin' month to beat KH I. I kinda expected more...
I think a mod can lock this. After reading all of this and taking a mini vacation, I'm willing to give this forum another chance. =\
I know. We all want rides to be 'over the limit'. The more near the limit, the more dangerous the ride becomes. Soon enough, the limit will be maxed.
Apparently, this ride has had more incidents like this before. I smell a lawsuit.
I must say, that's the last time I go to Six Flags... Link