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Naruto. ^_^
Saix- One who wanted a heart.
Thank you DM. ^_^
An old reg? Wazzat?
Sephiroth- He who Cloud hates.
Vexan. O.o
...Utah? :huh:
Be sure to listen to your parents next time, sir. RLY? TTYL.
Heh The White Witch was a White B!tch anyway.
:imslow: :imslow: :imslow: Yup.
Hearshy. Luff luff luff.
I loved Epic Movie, only because they probably made the cast of Narnia hide their heads in a wall from the shame. XPP I laughed through the whole movie.
Twilight Town
No, 2+2= fish. YOU FAIL! :yelling:
I luff you!1!!one!11! :yelling: Edit: Wait, he's gone? I thought he came back.......:huh: LOL, WTF?!?! This was posted in October!! :yelling: :yelling: :yelling:
Lol, I fail. I be improving though! :yelling:
Riku and Axel on Floor 13. I STILL can't beat Axel... ;.;
Kingdom Hearts 3 and Ultimate Ninja 3. ^_^