Wow... Simply Amazing... *repped*
a girl who likes anime
it looks fatter though *clones KF's keyblade* *gives to CtR*
a SoKu Fan... eww
For some reason... she looks fat there... 11834 Rain! In! CANADA! oh and Kingdom fan... I think we've all seen it before
11830 umm, maybe you didn't catch them? they fell from heaven! *clones cookies for CtR* It's Raining! *DogBoyX used RAIN DANCE. It began to rain. (pokemon reference)*
just wait and see what is announced at TGS (Tokyo Game Show)
11826 no.. i have an army now! *Cookies fall from heaven and it rains milk* *Badgers come* *Runs in circles screaming*
*wimper* *cries over cookie* 11823 Can i clone it? *grabs cookie crumb*
well... I see squares.... umm... no, not that way.
Piiiii-CHU!!!!!!! Pokémon cout as animals right? *Godzilla Roar*
11819 What Shagging? *munches cookie*
good... but I might not be on for a while afterwards... I have to unlock Mr. Game and Watch for my brother... *curses in italian* 11814 Damned Glitches!
11806 Hi My brother wanted me to unlock most of the characers for him in Super Smash Brothers Melee, he says I'm amazing with Roy anyways, now I have 5 hours free time because we're trying to unlock mewtwo, we need 20 hours of playtime and we're at 15...
see you all! 11166
*rises with kitty_mckechnie* *does thriller dance*
S'okay... I'll be back... although I'm having dinner then i'm out, I'll be back either late today or early tomorrow! 11164 Ohh, Congrats Roxma! do i need to ask who the bride is... no seriously who is it? (sarasm)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! and i'm responsible! wait... everyone has an emo corner... 11161
quite boring if you ask me...
every tenth poster gets a point, keep track of your points through notepad! It's for nothing but bragging rights, really.