DBX sad now:( *whimper* 12555
No Problem! and there are no difficulties in KH: COM unless you're comparing Sora's and Riku's story.
Pain In your pants... XD
12551 DogBoy is back too DogBoy miss CtR...:(
You want to go to Villians Vale? want the cheat? I need to go home to get it, Its for Action Replay MAX
your deck should have in order High attack cards (values 7 to 9) Reload Cards (Potions, Hi Potions) Cure Cards (high values... about 7 of them) 0 attack cards (any Kind) any time you need to cure FIRST stock a keyblade card then two cures, this strategy prevents loss of cures. break any of his Sleights with the 0 cards at the end, and reload if you need more. dodge roll is a must here. If you are still having trouble, don't worry. create a new file in your second slot and practise. easy. use the same cure strategy for later bosses
I'm going to borrow ToS I'll buy it if i like it...
:( Bye... 12542
not yet... 12513 when will you be back CtR?:(
I'm going soon... got to have lunch... I'll be back
12499 DogBoy says thanks Dogboy also says Save the cookies!
*almost speechless* exactly.
*jumps around, trying to run* I'm still tied up! *falls*
Demyx kicks puppies Larxene is on the patch (no wonder) Saix wasn't hugged a day in his life Xemnas is constantly in court
*falls out of closet* Air! *badger hisses*
Male Reply! these rules are messed...
*rams door with head* *looks at badger* Dammit Roxllen! that creeped me out! 12482
already have it :)
12479 qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM .... why do you have dismembered badger heads in your clo- *badger head's eyes glow red* AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
so... he planned all this... he also knew we were going to post this stuff? my opinion: It's their opinion, i still have my beliefs.