Sora: HEARTLESS! *Sora hits with keyblade* sorry... KH2 scarred him for life... I don't have to do any SSB Melee unlocking crap because my friend let me copy his data! hurrah for cheating! 13538
Dance Dance in your pants... XD (It came on the radio)
thank you. so far, the only real confirmed ones are those shown in the trailer... check the site. (not advertising) in case you didn't know. also there are four different Wii controllers. Wiimote, Nunchuck, classic and GameCube controller SSBB uses all of them just putting that out there
I like mine: Marluxia: Can't touch dis Sora: Huh? *cursed* Also: Marluxia: You like Kairi! you like Kairi! Sora: And you like men! *marluxia growls* *cursed*
12871 But I'm canadian... *messes up Macarana*
12868 *does the macarana*
*runs in circles*
I don't a-like-a da gibb-a-rish Let's wait for more people... *5 seconds later* RAWR! WHERE R MORE OF TEH PPLZ! 12860
12851 POP TARTS! hiya.
Should have made beast a n00b "RAWR!!!11one I WILL LIEK TEH KILLZORZ JOO!!!11one RAWR!!!11one"
not at all... you're better than me at this so... go ahead!
Well... In My Opinion, Microsoft shouldn't have gone into gaming... They're setting Rare up for faliure Rare was losing it's touch even before Microsoft came into play... but they did have good games...
Easier to run... In your pants... WTF?
Bye! nice sig... BANANA!
I Broke my arm once yay*sarcasm*
I've got to go for now :( see you! 12561 don't click this link...
I said to Catch The Rain that to keep a DogBoyX here, you have to tie him up and put him in a closet... I regret that
no. check the board for the remake for help on that.
She did that to DBX! 12558
I've added myself on my buddies list! XD Click this link if you want my MSN My MSN don't click this link... *holds back laughter*