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  1. DogBoyX


    Rules, fun and welcome!
    Blue and Purple names: Mods, SuperMods, Admins
    Yellow names: Forum helpers (i think)
    Orange names: Premium members (no mod powers)
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. DogBoyX
    BUMP IT!!!

    *crosses arms*
    (cookie to whoever gets the reference)
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. DogBoyX
    Bump it, LOUDER!
    Bump it, LOUDER!
    Bump it, LOUDER!
    Bump it, LOUDER!
    Bump it, LOUDER!
    and say, oh oh oh oh
    say, oh oh oh oh
    yo yo
    Turn up the radio, Blast your stereo
    Riiiiiiiiiight Nooooow
    this joint is fizzlin'
    it's sizzlin'
    (yo check this out right here)
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. DogBoyX
    come on just bump it, LOUDER!

    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. DogBoyX
    *shoots spongebob*
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. DogBoyX
    just PM the whole thing... it's safer.
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. DogBoyX

    Sora: 10 10100010110
    Riku: 01001 011101!
    Sora: 1000101 010101 10101001 1000101!
    Riku: 1010 001 00100 1-01010
    Sora: 0100 010100 10010 010 012!
    Riku: 1001 101010 01010101 10101 2?

    Kairi: Shut the 101010001 up!
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. DogBoyX

    woo hoo...
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. DogBoyX
    I read Darky's sticky and decided to make this:
    all chapters will be posted here, same with the comics.
    if you are having trouble finding a chapter, press Ctrl+F and search "Kingdom Hearts Worlds Aligned Chapter ()" ( put chapter # in these: ())


    KH: Worlds Aligned chapter 1

    (Setting: Realm of Darkness)
    (Three Unknowns are conversing)
    “They have re-united, only to be separated…” (Unknown 1)
    “That boy has no clue as to how much power he really holds” (Unknown 2)
    “He is what we need; we must turn him into a Heartless again” (Unknown 3)
    “But what use is Roxas to us now?” (Unknown 1)
    “Roxas is not the one we need… We need his Chaser” (Unknown 3)
    “But therefore, we still need Roxas… but half of him, so you are wrong! I am right! End of story! Ha ha ha-” (Unknown 2)
    *Unknown 3 smacks Unknown 2 in the back of the head*
    “Quit rubbing it in!”(Unknown 3)
    *Unknown 3 rubs head*
    “Now how…” (Unknown 3)
    “The worlds will come into Alignment soon, we must take advantage, anything could happen.” (Unknown 1)
    *Unknowns laugh maniacally*

    (New setting: Destiny Islands)
    (Sora, Riku and Kairi are speaking near the Tree)
    Sora: So… nothing really to do now since we have restored peace to the worlds and defeated Organization XIII, What now?
    Riku: We could build another Raft.
    Kairi: Fine with me… As long as you two don’t slack off like last time.
    Sora: Can’t really promise you anything there.
    (A ball of light crashes into the water)
    Sora: What was that?!
    Riku: We could check it out.
    Sora: But it’s too far out! We can’t just swim there
    Kairi: This is why I wish we still had the Raft…
    (A while later)
    Kairi: Okay, So we need Four logs, some Rope, and a cloth. Riku is getting the rest. Sora?...
    *Sora sleeping*
    *Kairi sighs*
    (After Sora wakes up)
    Kairi: Okay, so we need-
    Sora: Four logs, some rope, and a cloth. Right? I’m on it.
    (5 Raft-Building hours later)
    (In the water)
    Sora: So where exactly did it land?
    Riku: I think around that cluster of Rocks.
    (Sora, Riku and Kairi quickly approach the rocks)
    *raft bumps into something*
    Kairi: What did we hit?
    *Sora looks in front of the Raft*
    Sora: Nothing?!
    Riku: Something’s not letting us go any further.
    Kairi: What could it be?
    *Sora Reaches out to make sure nothing is there*
    *Sora falls into “The Invisible Wall”*
    Riku & Kairi: Sora!
    (Sora lands in an area that looks like a Beach in the sunset)
    Sora: Where… Am I?
    Wait, How did I end up in another world? The routes are closed!
    (Unknown appears)
    Unknown: Anything can happen when the worlds align, Sora.
    Sora: Wait, Who are you! How do you know my name?!
    Unknown: Everyone knows who you are, Sora. But in our universe… you no longer exist.
    Sora: W-what!? Your universe?
    *Unknown takes off hood*
    Sora: X-xemnas?!
    Xemnas: Alternate universes open up when the worlds align, Sora.
    Sora: Whats with all this alignment crap?!
    Xemnas: all will be clear… in time.
    *Xemnas disappears*
    Sora: Organization XIII… still exists?

    Meant to look like a script.
    Thread by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. DogBoyX
    I'm working on CH2
    holy crap this was old... sorry, was in a rush...
    Ch1 is meant to look like a script, for i am going to use it to help with the comic...
    and i didn't know about the polls rule when i posted this thread...
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. DogBoyX
    Evil's new mission: Find that code.
    That's amazing though...
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  12. DogBoyX
    Copy&Paste it.
    then send it to the rest... keep a notepad file open to help...
    don't risk it.
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. DogBoyX

    Life is painful but is not about pain.
    the meaning of life is different for every person.
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. DogBoyX
    The Suffering in your pants...
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. DogBoyX
    I'll go find my old enemy card descriptions...
    EDIT: I'll be back with more orgXIII enemy cards
    but here:
    Card Name: Axel
    Effect Name: Quick Recovery
    CP: 75
    Limit: 10 Turns (When damaged by enemies)
    Weakness: Blocks fire damage but dizzed by ice damage
    Effect: Can use cards even at the 'delay' time when being damaged

    Card Name: Vexen
    Effect Name: Auto-Life
    CP: 60
    Limit: 1 time
    Weakness: Blocks ice damage but dizzed by fire damage
    Effect: Revives once when you died

    Card Name: Air Soldier
    Effect Name: Move Reload
    CP: 30
    Limit: 3 Reloads
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Can move when you reload

    Card Name: Gargoyle
    Effect Name: Vanish
    CP: 30
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Vanish in battle, hard to be hit, Invisible to most enimies.

    Card Name: Ursula
    Effect Name: Shell
    CP: 50
    Limit: 5 Turns (When damaged by enemies)
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Forfiet Summon power to cut damage taken from Magic cards in half

    Card Name: Aqua Tank
    Effect Name: Auto Reload
    CP: 30
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Reload automatically when used up all cards

    Card Name: Yellow Opera
    Effect Name: Thunder Up
    CP: 20
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Thunder magic up

    Card Name: Wizard
    Effect Name: Magic Up
    CP: 30
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Forfiet summoning to power up magic cards.

    Card Name: Air Pirate
    Effect Name: Item Veil
    CP: 30
    Limit: 3 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Your opponent can't break reload cards you use

    Card Name: Guard Armor
    Effect Name: Wide Attack
    CP: 30
    Limit: 30 Attack
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Attack range/area expands

    Card Name: Creeper Plant
    Effect Name: Leaf Veil
    CP: 35
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Your opponent can't break cure cards you use

    Card Name: Search Ghost
    Effect Name: Drain
    CP: 35
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Absorbs enemy's HP as you attack, but less exp balls

    Card Name: Shadow
    Effect Name: Number Plus
    CP: 25
    Limit: 2 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Add 1 to all card numbers

    Card Name: Screw Diver
    Effect Name: Number Off
    CP: 15
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Minus 1 to all card numbers

    Card Name: Darkside
    Effect Name: Imitation
    CP: 99
    Limit: 1 Time
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Copy your opponent's enemy card effect

    Card Name: Defender
    Effect Name: Protes
    CP: 25
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Forfiet Magic to lower damage taken from attack cards

    Card Name: Green Requiem
    Effect Name: Cure Up
    CP: 20
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Healing magic up

    Card Name: Sea Neon
    Effect Name: Slot Number
    CP: 20
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Card numbers randomize

    Card Name: Jafar
    Effect Name: Attack Veil
    CP: 65
    Limit: 30 Attack
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Your opponent can't break attack cards you use

    Card Name: Soldier
    Effect Name: Combo Plus
    CP: 20
    Limit: 3 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Add one more attack to combo

    Card Name: Dark Ball
    Effect Name: Card Blind
    CP: 25
    Limit: 3 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Hiddens card numbers, good for VS Mode

    Card Name: Card Soldier
    Effect Name: Attack Haste
    CP: 55
    Limit: 30 Attack
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Attack speed up

    Card Name: Trick Master
    Effect Name: Number Break
    CP: 25
    Limit: 10 Breaks from Enemy
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Devalue enemy's card after you lose a card break

    Card Name: Neo Shadow
    Effect Name: Bio
    CP: 25
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Enemy HPs slowly decrease

    Card Name: Bouncy Wild
    Effect Name: Draw
    CP: 10
    Limit: 5 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Automatically obtain dropped items/orbs from the enemies

    Card Name: Parasite Cage
    Effect Name: Dispell
    CP: 60
    Limit: 1 Use
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Break your opponent's enemy card without fail

    Card Name: Power Wild
    Effect Name: Number Reverse
    CP: 40
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Number orders/ranking now reverse, ie 1 beats 2

    Card Name: Fat Bandit
    Effect Name: Back Attack
    CP: 40
    Limit: 2 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Increase damage when hitting enimies from behind

    Card Name: Tornedo Step
    Effect Name: Reload Haste
    CP: 25
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Set Reload Gauge to 1

    Card Name: Pirates
    Effect Name: 0 all
    CP: 30
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: All card numbers become zero

    Card Name: Hades
    Effect Name: Berserk
    CP: 40
    Limit: 30 Attack
    Weakness: Reduce fire damage but dizzed by ice damage
    Effect: Increases power of attack cards when HP is low

    Card Name: Barrel Spider
    Effect Name: Quick Reload
    CP: 30
    Limit: 3 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Reload instantly

    Card Name: Bandit
    Effect Name: Combo Finish
    CP: 30
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Power of the combo finisher increases

    Card Name: Oogie Boogie
    Effect Name: Regen
    CP: 40
    Limit: 10 Recovery
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Recovers HP a bit. When HP is low, recovers more HP

    Card Name: Hook
    Effect Name: Once more
    CP: 35
    Limit: 3 Time
    Weakness: Reduce thunder damage but dizzed by fire damage
    Effect: Keep 1 HP after a combo (unless 1 HP is left)

    Card Name: Blue Rhapsody
    Effect Name: Blizzard Up
    CP: 20
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Increase Blizzard abilities power

    Card Name: Dragon Maleficent
    Effect Name: Over Drive
    CP: 70
    Limit: 30 Attack
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Forfiet reload speed to power up attack

    Card Name: Crescendo
    Effect Name: Summon Up
    CP: 20
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Forfiet magic cards to power up summons

    Card Name: Riku
    Effect Name: Stock Guard
    CP: 80
    Limit: 5 Stock Tech
    Weakness: Reduce thunder, ice and fire damage
    Effect: Will not lose cards Stocked up earlier

    Card Name: Wight Knight
    Effect Name: Levitate
    CP: 15
    Limit: 3 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Jump higher

    Card Name: Black Fungus
    Effect Name: Random Flash
    CP: 20
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Randomly activate an Enemy Card

    Card Name: White Mushroom
    Effect Name: Hyper Healing
    CP: 25
    Limit: 3 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Heals HP when using Friend Card

    Card Name: Large Body
    Effect Name: Reflect Guard
    CP: 40
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Cannot be damaged from the front

    Card Name: Laxene
    Effect Name: Haste
    CP: 60
    Limit: 15 Reload
    Weakness: Blocks thunder damage but special damage received up
    Effect: Increase movement speed

    Card Name: Red Nocturne
    Effect Name: Fire Up
    CP: 20
    Limit: 1 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Increase power of Fire Magic

    Card Name: Wyvern
    Effect Name: Reload Guard
    CP: 25
    Limit: 3 Reload
    Weakness: NONE
    Effect: Reload Gauge Number won't increase when reload

    Card Name: Marluxia
    Effect Name: W Stock
    CP: 99
    Limit: 3 Stock Tech
    Weakness: Reduce fire, ice, thunder and special damage but physical damage up
    Effect: Lose the cards in Stock Tech but perform the Stock Tech consecutively
    as well as your Reload Gauge will increase

    Card Name: Lexaeus
    Effect Name: Dejon Break
    CP: 99
    Limit: 50 Attack
    Weakness: Blocks ice damage, reduce physical damage but special damage up
    Effect: The combo finisher has a chance to instantly kill the enemy. In VS, this has
    the chance to dizzy the opponent

    Card Name: Ansem
    Effect Name: Stock Blind
    CP: 60
    Limit: 10 Stock Tech
    Weakness: Reduce fire, ice and thunder damage
    Effect: Cards Stocked aren't revealed so the enemy can't see

    EDIT: If you scrolled this far... here's a cookie...
    OrgXIII cards added
    #I Card Name: Xemnas
    Effect Name: Quick Barrier
    CP: 65
    Limit: 3 Reloads
    Strong Against: Flame, Ice, Thunder, Special Damage
    Effect: Guard the 2nd hit and on of a combo attack

    #II Card Name: Xigbar
    Effect Name: Shot Charge
    CP: 80
    Limit: 2 Reloads
    Strong Against: Flame, Ice, Thunder, Special Damage
    Effect: Power up projectile attacks like Strike Raid, Fire...etc

    #III Card Name: Xaldin
    Effect Name: Aero Guard
    CP: 65
    Limit: 3 Attacks
    Strong Against: Flame, Ice, Thunder, Special Damage
    Effect: Have Aero up for sometimes

    #IV Card Name: Vexen
    Effect Name: Auto-Life
    CP: 60
    Limit: 1 time
    Weakness: Blocks ice damage but dizzied by fire damage
    Effect: Revives once when you died

    #V Card Name: Lexaeus
    Effect Name: De-Zone Break
    CP: 99
    Limit: 50 Attack
    Weakness: Blocks ice damage, reduce physical damage but special damage up
    Effect: The combo finisher has a chance to instant kill enemy

    #VI Card Name: Zexion
    Effect Name: Confuse Strike
    CP: 65
    Limit: 50 Attacks
    Strong Against: Flame, Ice, Thunder, Special Damage
    Effect: Chance to confuse enemy as you attack

    #VII Card Name: Saïx
    Effect Name: Combo Boost
    CP: 80
    Limit: 20 Attacks
    Strong Against: Flame, Ice, Thunder, Special Damage
    Effect: Strength up when attacking with Attack Cards

    #VIII Card Name: Axel
    Effect Name: Quick Recovery
    CP: 75
    Limit: 10 Turns (When damaged by enemies)
    Weakness: Blocks fire damage but dizzied by ice damage
    Effect: Can use cards even at the 'delay' time when being damaged

    #IX Card Name: Demyx
    Effect Name: Water Charge
    CP: 80
    Limit: 2 Reloads
    Strong Against: Thunder, Special Damage
    Block: Ice Damage
    Effect: Power up water attacks like Aqua Splash, Blizzard...etc

    #X Card Name: Luxord
    Effect Name: All Break
    CP: 99
    Limit: 15 Cards
    Strong Against: Flame, Ice, Thunder, Special Damage
    Effect: Always Card Break regardless enemy's Card Numbers

    #XI Card Name: Marluxia
    Effect Name: W Stock
    CP: 99
    Limit: 3 Stock Tech
    Weakness: Reduce fire, ice, thunder and special damage but physical damage up
    Effect: Lose the cards in Stock Tech but perform the Stock Tech consecutively
    as well as your Reload Gauge will increase

    #XII Card Name: Larxene
    Effect Name: Haste
    CP: 60
    Limit: 15 Reload
    Weakness: Blocks thunder damage but special damage received up
    Effect: Increase movement speed

    #XIII Card Name: Roxas
    Effect Name: Double Hit
    CP: 99
    Limit: 20 Attacks
    Effect: One Attack Card can inflict twice as much damage
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. DogBoyX
    might want to pack Mega-Ethers and Hi-Potions.
    Since your allies use items alot, pack them with Ethers.
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. DogBoyX
    some kid said "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" (Nintendo exclusive game) is going to be on the Xbox, Xbox 360, Gamecube, PS2, PS3, DS and PSP
    he also said Spongebob will be in it

    also, he believes KH sucks, Stupidest thing I've ever heard. period.
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  18. DogBoyX
    a badger just knawed my eyes out....
    *Uses Full Cure*
    that's better
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. DogBoyX
    so... we've gotten more members? holy crap, we're big now.
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  20. DogBoyX
    Another side in your pants...
    that sounds... XDish
    Post by: DogBoyX, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone