I played some great games on PSP but the battery and crashes are what really sucks... in my eyes, PSP is a computer, not a console. Pack too many things on there and it'll crash. DS is just a handheld console designed for mostly gaming, and that is why in my eyes, DS is better. that's IN MY OPINION! I trust Nintendo with handhelds.
which 7:30pm would be how many hours from now? hi... 14230
14085 Bye!
14082 Badgers, Spiders, flying daggers thrown by Xaren.
WHAT?! NO WAI! 14075 I'm going to actually hack KH2 some more... I'll find codes then i'm out.
viewing this thread yeah, i think so...
14064 last time i remember CtR, it was 11:30pm where you are, holy crap you can stay up late... Database errors suck... I'm going to watch Death Note now...
14064 Can't believe i still remember this DBZ quote but.... Fuuuu-Sion.... HAAAAAAAAAA! ******* **** those ******* database errors!
huh? Roxllen's here! 14061
Bye! 14058
Weasel Stomping Day in your pants UBER LOL!
F*cking database errors! i came just to see if there were any new posts here... not many though... 14055
you summed up my opinion ther Bunterx double-edged sword it is.
14046 right... now i rreally have to go... see ya.
I think lots of people know Xaren... after all, she has made many good friends. It'd be what most of us already know 14044
*sigh* blame sony for gun violence? I feel like strangling the media. Sony has sold games... nothing else. What are kids even doing with these games?
Got to go, see ya! 14029
Vexen; Who on earth could have done this to this house? This requires further research! *runs off to mommy's basement*
you want a rant? My butt hurts because i've been typing so much because i am so damned addicted that i can't get of to have lunch so now my butt hurts and i am hungry because of my addiction to the internet, i have lost so much sleep due to my obsession that i have turned my blue collar into a red one and therefore burnt my breakfast so that i may be the crankiest peice of crap to walk into disneyland with a fully loaded AK47... ... i do not know what i just said... good to know your family is there for you