Can I come in? I'm so bored right now, so I need something to do.
Ever looked on Youtube?
See the thing about Atlantica is that it's sort of like 100 Acre Woods. It's a place to get extra abilities and stuff. Replacing would kinda ruin that. But if you want to replace Atlantica with a fighting world, you should choose...uh... You know, I don't know right now.
Well, I guess I can be classified as a nerd because people always make fun of how smart I am. I do wear glasses, but only because I stare at my computer alot. I'm not a stereotypical nerd where I just where plaid and overalls all the way up to the ribs. I actually wear normal clothes. Yeah? But if you need proof of a nerd, let me show you my 7th grade report card. :D
Well, Happy Birthday! Hope you don't become a drunk driver. xD
A Hearts Resolve - Darengan *bangs head*
I personally hate BOTH the DS and the PSP. I mean, the PSP is basically a computer with a bunch of buttons that read a bunch of shapes. The DS is just a double screened thing that is touch screen. My PIANO is a cooler touchscreen that that. Anyways, if I had to choose, I would choose the DS because of its compatibility with the Wii. And I just happen to own a Wii. xD
Yellow and Silver were the best hands down.
I used to have that L avatar, but I switched with this homemade one.
Coulrophobia FTW. I've never actually seen a clown, so I have nothing to worry about. :D
That's gotta be harsh.
Lol, that was really weird. 4.5/5
I was going to state the same.
Heh...then make sure he doesn't get on. xD
They're a good band. My favorite songs are Pride and...I forgot what the name was.
Alakazam was the Speed Demon Blastoise was the Defense Tank Pidgeot was the Transportation Arcanine was Second Speed Demon Raichu was my favorite. Dugtrio was my escape helper and third speed demon.
Welcome, Sasuke's little brother, welcome. You know, just read the rules and don't do the bad stuff, and you're fine. Seriously. (Notice the Death Note fad. >_>)
I actually WATCH Death Note. I bet half of the people here don't have a clue what Death Note is but they just go with it. Xaldin's avatar is very unique, though. :D
A Hearts Resolve - Darengan Gosh, this is so addictive...
I still have my Red version. I'm getting Mew via glitch. I think you know. You're team is kinda weird. :D -Edit- My old team was: (All Level 100s) Alakazam Blastoise Pidgeot Arcanine Raichu Dugtrio