I was at Costco the other day, and there was this supar hawt guy cashiering. Like, the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life hot. Hotter than lead vocalist from Taking Back Sunday. He asked "Where did you get your jeans? And I love your shoes, polka dots are awesome." "Eh heh. 5.7.9." And as my soul shattered, I thought of the song "Gay Boyfriend" Haven't been able to shake it since. But stereotypes aren't that common, right? He could have been straight...[/denial]
Ugh. When I was like 6 I used to watch Lizzie McGuire [or however you spell it]. Now I hate Hillary Duff and I'm not so appealed by Disney channel either...I can't stand the done-dozens-of-times-before humor in Suite Life, Raven, Hannah Montana, etc. It's like, "Wow, I totally saw that coming..." Plus, the laugh tracks. MY GOD, I can tell when something is funny ;_; Which it hardly ever is anymore. I think I drew the line with Disney when I was 10 and realized that none of the shows were really that amusing anymore, and most of their female actresses ended up singing and totally poisoning the charts. Especially Hannah Montana...I was babysitting some girl the other day and while Disney was on there was some inane interview with her about 'being famous'. Okay, sorry hun, but no one in your age group actually likes anything you sing. You're a Disney channel star. Until you get a platinum album like Hillary, that doesn't count for much. And seriously, that's never gonna happen. Or at least the world hopes so~ lol, [/rant] I think if there's anything on Disney that I'll watch anymore it's The Replacements. I don't really know why, but it doesn't have the same horrible feel as all the other shows. Plus, Tasumi is farkin boss. She's like American mecha musume. Lately though most of my time is spent on videogames, google hacking the security camera for this awesome nuclear lab [thanks, 4chan], watching Gurren Lagann, Lucky Star, House, studies, and random intarwebs crap. Little time is left for my American gem shows like Invader Zim, Grim Adventures, and The Replacements. Mind this is all happening in a time frame that includes approximately 5 hours of sleep per night. 2 hours on Webcam Wednesday [thanks again, 4chan ;_;]
Well, yeah but it's not like they can determine which chromosome they're going to donate. X3 But that's not really what the opposing party is saying. They're saying that in cases in which the woman has a choice to have sex/use protection the responsibility of making the decision as to abort the infant or not is hers. While that itself does have some flaws in it, you have to understand the argument before you make a rebuttal...Anyway, regarding the flaw, it's not as much the statement as it is the botched system of logic that our laws use in the situation. It really seems like men should have the right to decide whether he wants the baby or not, but then a group of people relate to the woman seeing how she is the carrier. It can be easily true both ways and we can't finalize any 'fair' solution for the dilemma. Um, I'm pretty sure he said USED, and forgetting isn't considered using them. ;L
Ummm, I don't think you understood what he was implying. What he means is if we are going to discuss the subject of child support we should do so in another thread. He's not contradicting himself, he's suggesting we stay on the relevant topic.
Neither. I don't really like the English versions of the themes. I prefer Hikari and Passion myself. :3 Anyway, since after a while Hikari got boring I liked Passion a lot better when it came out, but after I've gotten bored of that I think I like Hikari more.
Squishy: Yeah, my actual residence is in Michigan. And this is VERY egotistic. We wouldn't be here if we weren't trying to show our perspectives and suade others to agree. A lot of human interaction is about impression, and that's quite significantly what this is. Also, not being there after having sex with a woman is nearly just as bad as wanting an abortion. After all, he's not caring for the child in any way whatsoever [is that all one word? >.> (I'm in quick reply)]. Yeah, still borns are immensely more common than the complications that cause death upon birth [to either the hosting mother or the infant]. On rare occasion though, such incidents do pop up. But it's not that often that a doctor gets a case like that.
I don't get any money from my parents. But I have a few babysitting schedules for several people I know. Since I have pretty regular schedules I end up making about $60 a week, and $80 if Amy won at bingo [lol]. I don't know what I'd do if I dropped it. On rare ocassion does my mom give me money anymore unless it's for my birthday or something... and I have a horrible sense of saving money when it comes to Forever 21 ;_;
I agree with the fact that an immense majority of this forum doesn't have the mental capacity of the topic to provide useful advice/support in the given situations. I haven't gone into any detailed view of this thread, but I'm assuming that most of the posts here are petty everyday problems that virtually everyone deals with at some point in their life.
Obviously, it's a cliche expectation that teenagers are going to be completely oblivious to the fact that those around them were their age at one point in their lives. However, since you seem to not really know the level I'm speaking of I won't go near the subject. There are issues in life that a not many people have to endure. Not the normal pity-whore "OMG no one understands me D:" crap.
Sorry, WR but I'm disagreeing with the statement regarding that the residents of an internet forum are unfit to help with personal issues. While this forum doesn't have such a high concentration of intellectuals interested in things like so, there are other forums like the MT ones that have very reliable advice. Part of the reason why people come to forums is because they like the anonymity of it. And yeah, emo kids? Seriously, they're a lot more comfortable talking to someone of their own age who deals with stuff that they do. Not a school counselor. I couldn't care less about speaking with my school's social worker. No, I'm not a psychiatrist, but I can relate to someone a hell of a lot more than most professionals can. A lot of the people here don't come with very serious issues anyway. Personally, I enjoy coming to forums because they're my type of people. It's like when my mom tried to get me to go to an ala-teen meeting. The people there were honestly some of the most fvvcktarded people I have ever met. They had been in the program for at least a year, but were still naive to ask inane questions like "But if alcohol hurts them why do they use it??" :| And that is where I drew the line. I like talking to people over at the MT boards significantly more than people at ala-teen because they are obviously more understanding of situations, and unlike in ala-teen they don't associate everything with god. I'm fine with christians, I have a lot of friends who are christian, but when it's being mixed with something that is supposed to be completely free of religion I have problems. In relation people resort to posting stuff on here because they don't really want to get into with their friends. I trust my friends, but there are some things I'd rather not share with them. Especially since I'm involved with a lot of different groups of people, who on rare occasion get along with each other. Also, Simple Plan is soOoOoo not the emo icon anymore: CRAAAAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIN~~~
*Enlightens you* ^^^^^^ PRO ANIMATION IS PRO ^^^^^^ Actually, I think there's a song called Big Rock Candy Mountain too... In technicalities, this is mostly about egotistic persuasion. But how can anyone resist it? <:3
Where would the fun be if I told you where I actually lived, when I could put up some silly crap? ;L Yes, you're right, not all of us are Christian, myself included. That's one of the reasons I support such an answer as I have previously stated. However, I'm sure you could find a few kids in this world that have been born into horrible conditions. And I wasn't really talking to you when I asked the gender question >.> Anyway, I can understand where you're coming from. I have a dynamic type of logic with the situation, and can understand most people's point of view here. However, being an agnostic person I'm not easily swayed by Christian related theories. And I'm not in this to change anyone's mind, just to support my own~
Although Nomura has said that Kingdom Hearts is Sora's story he also has been releasing stuff saying that the characters of KH3 are going to have no relationship to him. There are a lot of different theories going around at gamespot. I'd go there if you want some insight.
Buy Mexico? Are you guys serious? X3 First off, you have no idea what kind of money pit that would be for us. Plus, would the Mexican government really be accepting to that kind of thing? If the US were to ever buy out another country, it would be for economic reasons. Not because we're feeling generous. Wishful thinking though~
Heh. Throw caution to the wind~ Squishy: Okay, seriously I'm going to say that you AREN'T female. You can't ever put yourself in such a situation. Obviously rape is not the leading action preceding abortions. If anyone in this thread actually had that idea then I have to say they have some pretty botched logic. You're implying that since that girl was skanking around she should have that baby anyway. REGARDLESS of the situation the child might be born into. Sometimes abortion isn't just the mother's selfish way out of the responsibility. A lot of the time the infant is better of not being born- since depending on their situation they could be raised in a horrible household/lifestyle. And don't even attempt to bring up adoption, social services, or child protective services. Yeah, that's exactly what they need, more children. The government is completely overloaded with children in need of good homes. So much so that often the family they go to is worse than what they might have lived in with their mom. I think you guys are being way too sugar-coated about this. We don't live in a world where there are hundreds of families with open arms. There are a lot of people in this thread making huge assumptions...
Considering the original images colors I think the cool tones of the text are rather unfitting. Agreeing with about the sharpening, makes it look very pixelated almost. Also, could someone please explain to me why people think Curlz MT is a font that can be applied to everything? <:3 Here's a good site for legally free fonts.
Like the animated GIFs that people post in 4chan creepy threads? I hate those. I know it's coming, but waaaa~...
Debate? How can there be debate over bringing back the hawtest character? D: *joins mob*
"Oh, you touch my tra-la-la~" X3 yeah, I remember when I first heard it on YTMND. Hilarious. Now Soul Meets Body ~ Death Cab for Cutie Next Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ~ Eiko Shimamaya