Using text talk doesn't make you a gaiafag. :| Using gaia does. Seriously, go ask 4chan. They'll happily give you their thought on the situation. Kingdom-Fan ~ Just because you use txt talk doesn't mean you're a gaiafag if you don't use gaia. It just means you need to learn to not type like a lazy wh0re. But it doesn't seem like you use ******ed butchering with your words or anything so I wouldn't worry about it...
Clever homophone attack is clever :O ~
*sneerrrrk* Oh lawd, when I saw that title I immediately started to break out laughing. The innuendo is too awesome to throw away~ X3
This is the Art & Graphics section. Not the Kingdom Hearts section. Art of any category is to be posted here [except ecchi and stuff >.>]
ARE YOU KIDDING? Gaia is for weeaboo 11 year olds who are too sugar-coated to use 4chan. That statement is not implying that I want a massive migration of gaia**** in /b/ though. We get enough of them ;_;
Don't go for an approach when she just got out of a relationship. Spend more time with her and when you think it's a comfortable time ask her if she'd be interested. However, if she brings anything up then certainly go ahead. When I ended a relationship a few months ago with a guy who had been seeing someone outside of school practically the next day a friend of mine [who I thought was in a 'friend' relationship with me] tried making advances toward me. Like seriously, he was being really awkward with the whole situation. He even went as far as to hold my hips. I had expected he knew I was upset by what had just happened....It really pissed me off that he would take advantage of me. Like he didn't even know me or something. It really severed our friendship. He apologized to me about it, but it's always a lingering thought. *sigh* You've peaked my curiosity. What is the medication you're currently taking? [waaaa~ I feel like such an invasive cvvvnt ;_;]
I don't tend to buy anything designer. I have a Louis Vuitton purse, but that's pretty much it. I don't see much appeal in designer clothing and such. Unless BtSSB counts as Japanese designer brand....
Were you trying to get it at permanent 1337 or something? Oh lawd, I wonder how far the number will go....
That means that Ayane's panty shots in DoA are helpful to her fighting abilities, right? :3
Really? \:3
Don't get your hopes up, you can't even get access to do so unless you're admin on the page. ALSO: CHEATY XALDIN IS CHEATY~♪
Forever 21 is farking boss. I'm going to be going to Akihabara with a friend soon and I've been hoping to get a few lolita outfits at Baby the Stars Shine Bright. But at $200+ for just a dress I'm going to have to deprive myself of using money for a while. ;_; But it's so worth it, I mean seriously, look at this hat. THAT IS THE AWESEOME-EST [lol not a word] GODDAMN HAT I HAVE EVAR SEEN IN MY LIFE. Yeah, I've already like picked out a whole outfit. *swoons* The hat is included in that outfit, of course. ***For money I'd consider babysitting. I make like $60+ with that alone. Plus, I may be taking up a job at Costco for undisclosed reasons....
It's called hacking smart ones.... lol Corty on MT did the same thing, but his goes into the negatives X3 Clontox: You have to be a site administrator to hack that kind of stuff.
How can you not love such a meme infested place? <:3
You can stop being a flaunting egotistic boaster now. ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ No, seriously. ヾ(-_-;) First, I'm going to second the hand problem that Darky's Bro stated earlier. Try to make them look more natural. Next, your lines are pretty jaggy. Sketchy is kind of a messy way to draw, but it's better than a polygonal figure. I'd also like to second DB's comment on the posing. Reference is okay, but highly discouraged amongst most artists unless it's a photo ref and you're trying to go for realism. Shading, depth etc. You get the idea. And I'll accept your bragging when you draw something in a pose you created where half the major anatomy isn't covered up by loose clothing. ;3
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu ~ Asahina Mikuru & Nagato Yuki Higurashi no Naku Koro ni ~ Furude Rika Manabi Straight ~ Amamiya Manami & Inamori Mika Fate/Hollow Antraxia ~ Illya & Matou Sakura Schooldays ~ Katsura Kotonoha & Kiyoura Setsuna Sumomomo momomo ~ Kuzuryu Momoko & Miyamoto Iroha Lucky Star ~ Konata Izumi Gurren Lagann ~ Yoko Kanon ~ Sawatari Makoto & Minase Nayuki Death Note ~ L & Amane Misa Samurai CHamploo ~ Jin & Fuu Waaaay more. But I need to get something done before the nights out.
It's not the feeling itself that's evil, but rather what it can lead to.
The immense failure of the movie made me cry, if that's what you mean. Most people saw the end of the series as the climax, and the movie as the downfall. Seriously, they could have done a lot better with it.