I halped. Lazer chargin is wrong color, but oh well. 6637
Usually good caturday threads have kittens doing cute things, bikecat, or other random cat stuff. Though trolls do sometimes post roadkill and such. <:3 /y/ sister~ *pound it* I stay clear of those threads. On occasion /b/ comes up with some epic things. Like Webcam Wednesday for instance. WW is only a few weeks old. By entering a string of text into Google you can access tons of unsecured cameras. You can even move them and freak the people out [like in this one mall cam I was playing with the other day] It's so awesome. Last week we found this creepy nuclear lab, a dojo, some crystal thingy, and some pet store cameras with kittens.
lol, it's a flash by a group called IOSYS. The characters are from a game series called Touhou, which contains virtually no men therefore making all pairings automatic yuri. PM if you want translations for it. Yes, it is very epileptic. 6631
6625 Oh Shirou, you never fail to amuse me.
I just suggest Painter because it tends to make images look much higher in quality. Although I presume you're using a mouse if you use PS...
Okay, seriously guys, it's not like we have some sort of full-fledged relationship here. Christ...
Really, don't be. <:3 He was just kind of there. I never really knew him, and considering how he showed his character when he died, I don't think I would have wanted to. His death wasn't as much a sad thing in my life, because I've become far more mature with it. Also: You are aware that this forum has a quoting feature, right? :P
*didn't know 10 yr. olds lurked the intarwebs* :|
The posters here aren't bastardizing religions. The users who are making arguments against faith supported ideas are simply highlighting the flaws they present, not intentionally criticizing them for what they are. Similar to what you are doing with this. Wow, sorry I like living life realistically, not in an illusion that I've molded myself into. Heh, pompous much?
Yeah, I assume it's going to be painfully akward. Even when people pity-shower you, it isn't as horrible as it seems. Last December when my father died no one in my school knew except for the teachers and accompanying staff members. I don't know maybe it's just because of the way he died that made it more of a discreet thing. Plus, he had no relationships with people in the school. You have my sympathies. I didn't have much of an endearing relationship with my Dad in the end, but I can relate. Numbness tends to set in after incidents like this, although at least you have a large number of people to grieve with over such a mutual loss.
Trailer 2 is the only one with Light's voice in it, so here. Nevermind. Kiryu already quoted it above.
I don't think 4chan would even attempt to pick up DN X3. Every episode would be like seven minutes long due to excessive butchering. Screw the rules, I'm rich!
Wow, runaway groom? <:3 My sympathies for spontaneous suckage.
Yeah. Viz is dubbing it. For a short while many [as] fans thought that with [as] buying the rights to a lot of new shows, it might get picked up. However, as usual [as] failed to deliver. I don't think they picked up any new anime, actually. AN might get it. Either way Light's voice has been butchered to hell and back. I posted the link to the trailer a couple of pages back:
Okay, I'm just going to end this conversation. You obviously aren't even reading my posts. I can tell by your reading comprehension you aren't iP...
...Wait, what?
Could you please make your post clearer. I'm sorry, your speech is kind of illegible in regards of getting the actual phrase...
I think you slurred some of the comments in my post together...when I said "Is making alts fun, I implied, "Is making alternate aliases fun?" I'm assuming that you're iPraise and just made another account under a different email address. Considering your Sonic sig, and obviously, alias. I wasn't referring to your poem until the second string of sentences that were separated by the space~
On the rare occasion I get headaches, playing videogames or being online usually doesn't help me at all. However, I don't stop anyway :L
Hey, iPraise, care to explain why making alts is fun? :3 After really studying some modern poetry, I can't tell what's decorated and what's real anymore. It's so easy to make a poem that sounds professional and deep nowadays. I would know, that's how I got an A for the life-related poetry assignments I got this year.