*sigh* We all like to be charitable, but our country obviously has problems of its own. In our own situation we should be mainly occupied with ourselves, not sticking our nose into the welfare of Mexican citizens. When natural disasters hit other nations [like the tsunami in Sri Lanka] we are almost obliged to help them. World politics has a lot of lucid masks, we don't give them money because we're generous and pity them. If we ignore their need for help we get marked off as a nation only interested in our selves, therefore severing relationships with not only that country but others as well. If something spontaneous like such happened to Mexico, we would most likely donate money and services to them. All the schools would have food drives and such. However, since the country's underdevelopment is something that has occurred over a period of time, we don't feel obliged to do anything about the issue but attempt to keep them out of our own borders.
Sorry, but I'm going to have to disagree with everyone here [except Sharp]. It pretty much just looks like you extracted an image, made a color soup with some brushes, and plopped on text. They're kind of plain and lack any sort of substance at their current state.
That's a pretty stereotypical remark, although I didn't think it was even a popular stereotype. I myself am agnostic, and I know a lot more people who are agnostic than athiest. No one I know goes to Church, but that doesn't prove your religion or anything. Christianity is considered to be the flexible religion where all you have to do is believe in the concept and you're saved. I don't really know anyone who practices other religions, since I live in a pretty hick town. >.>; A lot of the people I hang out with a pretty hardcore gamers who when not playing videogames spend their time on /b/ and such. God knows what the majority of 4chan believes about religion. I think most of 4chan is either athiest or agnostic.
Well, Naruto is a children's show. I mean, of course bandai is going to come out with ******ed merchandise. VICTORY IS HIS! CUASE HE LIKE, HIT A FABRIC TARGET LOL!1 I like how the shuriken is propelled in the same way as those spinning flight dolls.
*jumps on bandwagon lol* Oblivion and Oathkeeper. I think Oathkeeper is what saved me from seeing the continue scene during Xemnas [it would have sucked since I had been able to go through the whole game without seeing it, a new personal record~]
D: D: D: L is OP's avatar. He's from the series Death Note. Nanaki: Japanese people have very high metabolism. This is why on very rare occasion do you see a severely overweight Japanese person [that isn't a sumo idol and the like]. So, him eating cake all the time and not gaining a pound is more or less a natural occurance in his scenario.
Japanese section: I can see some pople have repeated artists from my list. Defnititely seconding Sakamoto Maaya and Utada. I didn't metion Utada since I assumed you would know of her, considering the fact that she voiced/wrote Hikari and Passion [the Japanese versions of Simple & Clean and Sanctuary(English remakes for the loooooose)]. Moar~ MOSAIC.WAV etc. Honey Bee etc. Matsuura Aya Daburuyu [or W] etc. W was made up of the two Morning Musume idols Tsuji and Kago-chan. They broke up though, so they no longer make any new releases. Ogura Yuko etc. Otsuka Ai There are always the random gems too that you here as OP or ED in anime.
I live in Michigan, so it's most likely not nearly as large of an issue here as it would be where you live. I'm not going to act like I know what it's like to live in the conditions of the presented countries and the reasons they illegally immigrate over here-Since I haven't had the slightest touch with it. But, when we refer to the part where tax dollars are being spent on welfare and foodstamps for these people I can relate. I've never been for government generosity-churches, welfare, etc. Regardless of what it is I don't like it, since it's extremely unfair to the whole of the country doing their civil duty. Some of these people can't find jobs. Then again, a lot of them are useless junkies, alcoholics, or gamblers, who don't go to anonymous meetings [NA, AA, GA etc.] A lot of immigrants do find jobs over, but there's a few of them who come for the benefits. Still, for the most part a lot of you have this mistaken, most of them who come over do work. It's not like they just marinate here. And the job issue-a lot of these jobs are careers that many Americans wouldn't even take.
No problem, it only took a few minutes anyway~
Okay, so I *attempted* to do a redline on this. When I say attempt I mean the pen to my tablet isn't working right so itdoes this ghey crap where even when I'm not touching the pad [which is like clicking with a mouse] it acts like I'm performing a click. So it's kind of like drawing without picking up my pen. Some of the lines look loopy because of that, and I can't really sketch anything out. Basically her head is too big for the rest of her body. I tried to correct it kind of, but if you want to keep it like that I have a purple pen showing how to correct her facial features. Currently her head is kind of at a tilted position, which is strage with her straight eyes/nose/mouth. Her arms are kind of short for her, but I'm thinking that's more of a style thing. I wasn't really sure what to do with that. ^^;; Her boot's position made it look like her foot was unnaturally twisted, so I moved it forward a bit. Her other leg looks akward...but I don't really know why. Proportion wise he hips were kind of small for her bust and head, so I tried to give her more of an hourglass figure than a spoon. Her calves were pretty large in comparison to the rest of her leg, so I tried to disribute it evenly. Feature related her eyes were kind of at the same position. Note that when a character's face is at an angle they tend to be oppsitely shaped horizontally. I won't bother with shading since people here have already covered it~
Overdrive ~ IOSYS
Seconding this statement to the power of infinity~
It's fine. Don't feel that I'm stressing you or anything like "OMFG LIEK WEN ISIT GONNA BE OUT?!1 I CANT WATE ANY LONGER LOLOLOLLOL!121D: D:<" ^^^actual copypasta from a poster fanific thread in some other forums I saw a while ago.
It would most likely be a bit more appealing if you expreimented with some different fonts and opacity. And omg sparkle overload X3. In some of them it looks good but others could do with just a few less. It's just a little overkill~
Yeah, I have much longer hair too. Significantly darker as well. Do you have any approximate idea when the next chapter will be up and posted? *anxious*
Does this thread belong in here...? Anyway, the immense hawtness that is Axel.