LOL ! no .
It's the right spot :). But, PSP isn't the best for making sigs, and I don't know where you can get many brushes or anything for it. I suggest either GIMP or PS.... since that's what I am familiar wit, and that's what I know works. But.... Renders - Brushes - And I know of no tuts for PSP. Good Luck!
Where do you live(nation)?: USA What do you believe(religion)?: At the momment, I am an Atheist. Politically how do you stand?: ._. How old are you?: 13 Why did you join?: I joined beccause of the codes, and intel disscussion, mainly because he an I shared many of the same views. What is your best academic subject?: English Do you think you're a good person?: No people are "good". Do you lie often?: Yes. I mean no. What do you consider proper punishment for death?: It all depends on the crime, and the circumstance. What's the thing you think is most wrong?: The government What do you think is most right?: Wrong Why is the world how it is?: Because of greedy power crazy people. Are people all good or bad? If not which way are they inclined?: Bad Who is the worst leader in history?: Hmmm..... Hitler seemed like a great leader to me.... I would have to say Oprah >_> Why do we think?: Because we have brains. Why do we exist?: Because we evolved into what we are now Why am I asking you?: Because you can
Great colors. Great effects. Good depth. Lighting suits it. Fantastic Job. Though, I can't say much beyond what Eclipse said, but I guess you can sharpen up small parts around the tag to make it look more cool. ._.
Thanx yo .
Well, I was going for that, but I wanted to mix it up a little, so I added a clipping mask ^_^ Thanks for the CnC
Thanx for the CnC. The line would have looked abit dull if I left it alone, IMO.
... That code comes with the game.. you have to unlock it.
>_> <_< Well, it may not be him, because I read the first post and it looked like what someone else would post, so it may not be him.... just my first instinct.
It's ridiculously obvious. But no, I don't have any "proof" EDIT: We shouldn't even be debating this, so I guess i'll stop with My accusations.
It's effing Roxas.
No, it's not. He though he was gonna get banned. He was mistaken.
He's not gonna get banned unless A) He asks B) Ge gets another warning.
-sigh- Guys, it's pretty obvious who this is, I don't know why you all can't see it.
Well, The stock sticks out a wee bit too much, from what I can see. It's pretty messy, and doesn't go at all with the expression on the stocks face... it suggests a softer kind of sig. Not much depth in there, get out the old burn dodge/blur/sharpen tools ^_^! The stuff at the top on the right side is a little random, but it does add a sense of depth, I suppose. The flow is great, and the colors are too, but the lighting is huge, and doesn't affect the stock that much. The text is okay, but if it had some varioation in darkness, lightness, bulgyness...ness... it would look kewler IMO. Overall, the effects are great, but they don't go quite with the stock image. Anyways, it's not at all up to par with your recent tags.