>_> <_< Wow ....
Bumped because I want to bump this.
Not all emo's cut themselves, or cry for attention. Can you say Stereotype? And you, most likley, sin one hundred times a day. Oh, wait, you could just say "forgive me plz" and everything is all better. I forgot, my bad.
No you didn't.
Dude, Flaming is intentionally putting down or insulting another person.
Ok. Just try not to fail so hard at it, please =/ .
That's not an overused insult alright.
Yes, it is lol Misty: Sorax: PLEASE REP. If you can't then you owe me later.
Guys, I'm really sorry I haven't done what I promised, I've been a combo of lazy and busy, so I will get them all done tonight. Again, sorry :(.
This may pffend any emo people here, and not everyone hates emo's. I think this topic should be locked =/ It's not even intel discussion. Also spitfire, not all of them are like that, some (COULD) actually have pretty tough lives.
Lol, Darky brought it back awhile ago lol. We've had like 6 since he brought it back, And I've even won, twice. :O Now that Darky is gone, It's just sitting there =/
Bai .
Someone please take it over.
Welcome and post alot.
Welccome and junk.
Read the rules and post alot.
Read the rules and pst alot.
I like Gum. It's sticky.