" Get away from me!" She yelled and punched a couple.
OOC: kk BIC: " MATT!!!!!" Lilly yelled. She ran u and tried to fight some of them off.
OOC: wait can she use the stone yet?
Lilly just stood there, she wanted to move. But she felt like she was paralized. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
" Oh my god." She said completly shocked. She looked down at Matt. Tears were even in her eyes.
" Who are you?" Lilly asked the man.
" Matt wait you can't go in there!!!" Lilly yelled but he ran in anyway. " So stupid." She said and ran in after him.
Lilly ran with him. " But I was just there and everything was fine." She said still running.
" Then what........" She started but then noticed the smoke. " What's that?" She asked.
" Did I do something?" She asked.
Lilly saw Matt walking down the street. " Hey Matt!!" She yelled.
Belle went looking for Creed.
Lilly kept walking down the street. She had this funny feeling.
Lilly walked down the street.
" Bye." Lilly said and walked down the front steps.
" Sorry." She said and kissed him quickly, then walked out.
" Yes but you have to." Belle said.
" Sure. It was nice meeting you." Lilly said smiling.
Belle walked him to his cabin and gently layed him on his bed. " Now you need to rest." She said.
" Oh um no thanks, but can you tell Matt that I came please?" Lilly asked.