OOC: kk BIC: " I know. I'm sorry. But I was thinking, since you have no where to go..... um well you could stay with me if you want." She said feeling kind of acward.
" Thanks." She said and sat down. " So um how are you feeling?" SHe asked.
Lilly sat down next to Matt. " Mind if I sit here?" She asked.
OOC: sorry I'm outside with my laptop and I don't have very good internet connection out here so it might take me a little bit longer to post BIC: Lilly followed Matt around.
Lilly sat down at her desk and looked over at Matt.
" How are you gonna go through with this one Lilly?" She said talking to herself.
" And you think I...... no way, no way. I mean I would but my parents would never aprove. But I do want to help him. I guess I'll try to find a way." She said.
Lilly shook her head. " No."
Lilly shook his hand.
" A very very dangerous position." She said.
" Yeah, you mean those ugly puppet things?" Lilly asked.
" Yeah I do." Lilly said.
" So if I join your group then you'll help me?" Lilly asked.
" How?" She asked.
" No I havn't exactly had the time. I'm grounded for a week. And if I ruin the house I will be grounded for a year, and that would ruin my summer." She said turning to face him.
Lilly got on the bus and saw Rob. She sat in front of him not saying a word.
OOC: kk bye
She was already ready so she walked outside and waited for the bus.
Lilly was at home sitting on her bed. She had gotten in trouble for staying out so late that night with Matt. So she got grounded for a week. Meaning she couldn't go see him in the hospital.
OOC: kk BIC: " Nothings bothering him! He's just changed, for the worse." Belle said.