Lilly smiled. " Ok. I'll see you on the bus then." She said and walked out of the classroom.
" Ok so do you want to get off the bus at my stop?" She asked.
" It's no problem. I just want to help." Lilly said smiling.
" Yeah I'll ask my parents first. And if you're there with me then they'll probably say yes." Lilly said glancing over at Laulite.
Lilly looked over at Laulite. " You ok?" She asked.
" But my mom cleans it everyday. So I don't know. I guess the first thing I should do is ask them. " Lilly said.
OOC: kk it's the last 15 min. of school and Lilly found out that Matt is going to an adoption home so she invited him to her house. And Seth and Lilly joined Rob's little group. BIC: " That's what I'm worried about. I'm not sure. I mean we have a guest room but......." She didn't finished.
Lilly was sitting at her desk playing with the stone Rob gave her so she could keep an eye on Matt.
Lilly sighed and walked into class.
" I'm not sure. " Lilly said.
" Ok then. I'll look after him. But the thing is that if he does come and live with me then I can't tell my parents. I know they won't aprove of him living with us." Lilly said.
" Well soooorryyy. I don't want to force him to come live with me." She said.
OOC: That's fine.
"He said yes but I don't think he was so sure. So I told him to think about it." She said.
Lilly sat ontop of a picnic table.
Lilly lifted her head up and walked outside.
She sat down and put her head to the table and groaned. " I made a complete fool out of myself!! AGH!! She thought.
Lilly walked over to another table, feeling like a complete idiot. " What was I thinking!? Of course he doesn't want to live with me! I barley know him!! Agh why don't I think before I say things?" She thought.
" Ok but I'm serious it's up to you. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to. And you don't have to make your desicion right now. I'll let you think about it ok?" She said standing up.
" Well I'm not sure. But you don't have too. It's just I know how it feels to go to an adoption home. And it's not very fun." She said.