" Oh yeah I'm fine." Lilly said to her.
Jasmine walked up to Aqualina. " How are you doing. You scared me back there." She said.
Lilly followed matt onto the bus and sat down in a seat near him.
" Where's Matt?" Lilly asked herself and grabbed her books.
Lilly finished eating, but left a plate of food for Matt when he got up.
Jenny sat down in the grass, thinking about Blade.
OOC: kk BIC: Lilly was already up and ready. She was down in the kitchen making breakfast.
OOC: I gtg too bye
Lilly fell asleep on her bed.
Lilly felt terrible. She knew that she had upset him. She walked up to her room and flopped down on her bed.
" Um yeah thank you for coming by." She said.
" Oh I'm so sorry." She said feeling bad that she had asked.
" Revenge on who, and for what?" She asked then relized she might be nosing into somthing that wasn't her buisness. OOC: Smiles in satesfaction then walkes away
" I guess I'm not sure." Lilly said.
" Well he's just lost his family, his home and everything. And I just wanted to help him." Lilly said. OOC: Grrrrr punches him even harder. Then kicks him in the shin.
OOC: Punches Deathsight. Now that's funny. Ha ha ha you got beat up by a GIRL!!! lmao BIC: " He said that it would help Matt." Lilly said.
OOC: ha ha ha very funny * sarcasim* BIC: " I don't know." Lilly said.
" I mean Robb stuck half of it into my chest and now it won't come out, he said that it was supposed to give me some powers or something." Lilly said.
" Ummm sorry but no, it's kind of embeded into my chest." Lilly said really embarassed.
" The stone?" She asked kind of nervously.