well yea thts because u dont have to reset tha game save it then close the Emu and then reopen it load tha savefile and then activate tha code
yup this code works but its in AR format i dont knw but mayb this is tha CB format 02193F29 000000FF woa awesum thnx guys EDIT : oh an Roxas tha exp mod is also in AR format
which code??
yup this code works
u have to put tha joker with it
hmm thts strange btw in wht r u using ur codes in??
yea since this game is full of DMA like kingdom hearts 1 shoudnt the codes be of fewer lines then of those from KH2FM??
2710 = 10,000
no prob hmm it does mine one doesnt
when u r low on HP i mean herain tht danger sound tht usually plays when ur hp is low there will b a limit word blinking above ur HP jus hold tha A button and it will unleash its Limit (NOTE: sumtimes u have to keep hittin tha enemy for tha limit to continue)
umm cloud i think hes askin tht to PM him when sum1 makes those two codes an since u already have ans his Q. i thought i should clear tht up
u probably have to joker it oh and god Mode gives u 999 Hp and sum otr thing also which i cant understand an it also makes enemies a lot tougher
hey no prob
well actually tha character mod for story works its jus tht u have to be in a mission for tha code to take effect and when goin bak to The World The Never Was change ur character back to Roxas by adding him to ur play as Roxas list and then go back to tha data space EDIT: if u guys still dont understand it then here hope this helps http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF-LoIjSnGc watch in HD
nope tht wont do the real ally demyx code is in my other comp and thts not workin so when i repair tht comp ill give u tht code EDIT:can any1 teach me how to port codes from final mix to NTSC and vice versa please
the line in bold
hmm really ys tht??
same as final
yup finally understood: Experience Mod 2219371c 0000XXXX Munny Mod 22193720 0000XXXX Heart Mod 22193724 0000XXXX Replaces XXXX with : 0064 = 100 03E8 = 1000 2710 = 10,000 well janime i tried the code and looks like it jus adds tht much valur to ur totla exp and tht doesnt changes anythin since my Roxas is still of level 1 an his total exp is 10,000 sumthin .so it jus adds tht much exp in ur total exp which does nuthin but it doesnt adds tht much exp tht u will get so can u do it so v can dd this to tha exp v get
porting can any1 tell me how to port codes to final mix and from final mix to NTSC?? sry but tht code wont work unless u have a second keyblade for Sora