tht code wont work its a freeze since u didnt use tha model swap and tha animation mod so tht code wont work well u cant exactly translate tha UCM frm codebreaker to ARMax jus use tha full code in codebreaker format and then convert it 2 ARmax yea tht code wont work since wisom will have only 1 keyblade since u didnt modded his second arm
well tha beast code never worked i tryied tht code but it jus gave a bsod concedering tht tha code was modified incorrectly
Zexions fight area: E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 00002204 Terra's fight area: E001FDFF 0034D45C 1032BAE0 0000070C Goofy replaced by Nothing: 11CE0B6C 00000023 Donald replaced by nothing: 11CE0B6A 00000023
yea there is 1 is tht u give mickey sora;s status and 2 is tht u give mickey sora's abilities but i dont remem how to give tha second one since 00roxas00 gave me those codes
thnx it works
well now it says: *Error loading[plugins\netsock.dll]
hmm thnx fr help ill try and tell u thnx big time it works now :D
no prob....... u have to seperate it here play as Hooded Roxas: Spoiler JCR2-24MX-94YED .............................. R2 = modelmod/various CNBA-Y2NE-FC5WJ BPZ1-WXYC-3JWWZ FJAD-4596-ZRUQJ T7R4-YFA3-9F0YT UC5G-JXP3-JD95M 2Q9Z-DYFV-R74VW XBVA-EY3E-CQT7W 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 84D8-EC87-779TV .................................. L1 = Effects Glitch KJEK-QUCQ-3M4QE VRCX-X3WB-1RF2H 5MWD-B12E-EZVJR ENME-0668-EN1C2 JEP0-WYHD-VMAV0 B5E0-ZXBY-1RE7Z 7MPQ-84PM-N2KU8 EG71-1GQW-03ZY3 E2M3-DE15-UE5M8 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 5JNA-CFCV-JHJ5U .............................. L2 = Animation Mods 817H-V2P1-GK875 X0AG-ZV8Q-8RBD0 EFYQ-NUTJ-QZ127 8FKY-QVZ0-W4MDM 7ZVC-G3XK-86WTB TBZJ-MTBU-PH82W K20F-N4NE-XF4KJ FGE3-2XA9-9GFWU WDP1-4NED-GCZ74 6KF1-NM17-HA0D9 9CJW-PR2H-TWEJJ DFFY-MJXC-EJ45E AQT2-79HW-FW398 QG0X-CUTT-QJ7AE G9W0-XJAG-0Q1MJ DT72-MZKF-0C68W QR2B-CW06-YGQNK 598B-D19N-2ZWJY 3FBT-V8NQ-AZRTY E7JM-70JR-XUCB7 58KQ-9T9T-QQ46G VUTE-GAF9-2470N 5BTG-UQDH-RXP3A R59D-95WX-5CDR4 BN9T-WC1N-GRR4V VW05-213P-3B6UY 5FV1-D0GM-GRXFQ G71K-QYAT-FRB65 EEK4-71M9-0F8ZH TZXR-JMXR-31Q2R 8CWX-76TF-V4GK7 M71J-6ZQV-ERVTE FWAU-TDC8-ZQM6F 87DH-YMT7-C1ADW Z8WK-B0BX-6VHT4 GRBQ-19R5-M8R8W CFDF-KMMT-4KUXC 31PP-W771-7X8ZA 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 P2E7-PFAG-D8KJK 5Z0Z-TQRC-VE3CM 6JNR-63EU-XQNRR .........................Last 4 lines not necessary, but reccomended F961-FUEK-JPGYX RNUU-VUZ3-MAN4Z KK03-W2JP-ZCV8W INSTRUCTIONS: get to the garden of assemblage and go to fight roxas. hold R2 through the roxas battle selection until the cutscene comes on. while in the cutscene, hold L1 until the fight actually starts.Once the fight has started, fire up the anim-mods with R2 at any moment you wish! Enjoy! ^_^ and no there is no ARMax for invisiblity and heres tha Riku code this will work cause this is tha one i use: Spoiler Play as Riku 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 21CB8C80 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 01C5FFD4 00000005 1032F228 00000001 1032F22E 000001C6 11CB8C9E 00000002 2032F0AC 00020100
jus gve him one of Soras keyblade Warrior Sora[KH2FM+ Version] 11CE0B68 00000057 01C95617 00000000 21C95618 00000000 01C9565F 0000000A 21CD528C 00303330 21CD5290 00000000 11CD5294 00000000 1032E020 00000029 1032EECC 0000002A 11CD4394 00000949 21CE267C 005300B2
can sum1 help me with whts tha prob tht i cant open kingdom hearts model viewer this is wht cumes when ever i try to open it: so can sum1 please help...............
nope still doesnt works
good work man u finally did it :D
sry but tht didnt slove tha prob either it still doesnt start :(
flag means event
umm.. can sum1 help me m havin trouble with my epsxe (PS1 emulator) tha trouble is tht when i open tha file and select a ISO or run a CD tha emulator gets closed after i click neither option e.g.i go to open ePSXe--file--runCDrom ,epsxe closes and alos when i do ePSXe--file--runISO--slect an ISO and open it ePSXe closes so can any1 help me with this problem oh and this is my comps status if any1 needs it tht is: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz 2.33 GHz, 3.99 GB of RAM ^^^^^^^^^^^ so yea so can any1 please help me.........??
hey nice find Sora anyway yea if no1 finds it ill try to note tha room in every world when m comps get fixed
hey guys i jus had a request to all of u who read this thread tht can u please tell me whts tha site where i can download Final Fantasy FMV's??
ummm....should i help him??
well there is a code to watch cutscene playing as sum otr character but it was fr NTSC if sum1 can port it then u can do tht