well dont knw about tht but remem if u want to kill bosses with Riku ull need to change his weapon Soras since Way To The Dawn cant use finisher oh and an other thing if u kill bosses then tha game will jus stuck there i mean u can move,attack,jump and etc but u cant go further since Riku doesnt have a finisher Animation but janime i thought only Riku V.5 can use Summons??? :S
yea most probably try it out to mak sure
hehe sry ill get rght to it but it will still take sum time
hey np anytime
yup there is
yea that code would work because its tha same character well yea it is since it gives Roxas stance walking animation and Fighting effects and evrythin so yea its big oh and if u want tha code in action then go to my youtube account i have made a latest vid and tha Roxas code is in tht yea u can change tha keyblade here try using this: 1032EE5C 000001F4 well yea i have a code like that but it gives u 99 AP plus but its in my AR Max and m feelin really lazy rght now so ill get u tht code later kk??
Sora is DW Roxas style isnt that good trust me ive played with it oh and that portal yea it would work
Play as Riku 11CE0B68 0000089B 01CB8C77 0000002E 21CB8C78 7465736D 21CB8C7C 00000000 21CB8C80 00000000 01CB8C96 00000023 01C5FFD4 00000005 1032F228 00000001 1032F22E 000001C6 11CB8C9E 00000002 2032F0AC 00020100 Riku can do ground combos in tha above code and there hasnt been made a code for Riku to use RC (yet) and Hall of Cornerstone Mod: Mickey replaces Chip: 11C53894 00000764 Terra replaces Dale: 11C53AD4 0000096F Donald Replaced by Roxas 01C957EF 0000000E 11C957F4 00003131 11C95814 00003131 21C95834 00010002 2036D8C8 61786F72 2036D8CC 00000073 1032D21C 0000002A Riku replaces Goofy first try this: 11CE0B6C 0000089B if the above one didnt work then try this: 11CE0B6C 00000819
yea in ur way u r correct but in ur way Rikus keyblade is not in his hand and is floatin so that sometimes make attacking enemies a bit harder where as in tha above code Rikus keyblade has been fixed in his hand and also given him tha weapon mod so he can change his weapons :)
Its still in working and so it hasnt released yet Spoiler E007FDFF 0034D45C .............................. R2 = modelmod/various 21C954F0 58455F4E 21C954F4 5F303238 21C954F8 004C5442 41CE267C 004A0001 00DE00DE 00000000 2036D8C0 61786F72 0036D8C4 00000073 E008FBFF 0034D45C .................................. L1 = Effects Glitch 004F9458 00000042 204F945C 2E303933 204F9460 6D62E61F 204F9464 00000000 004F94A8 0000004E 204F94AC 5F303238 204F94B0 2E4C5442 204F94B4 6D662E61 E025FEFF 0034D45C .............................. L2 = Animation Mods 2081CC44 00000347 20E67644 00000101 2081CDB8 00E91130 2081FEB8 01038F20 2081FF38 00FE12E0 2081FF78 00FE5C60 2081FEF8 00EFD300 208200B8 00E7D430 2081F218 00FF3A10 2081DB18 01080F60 2081CEF8 00E9B910 2081CF38 00EA9280 2081CF78 00EB6FB0 2081CFB8 00EC33E0 2081CFF8 00ED10A0 2081D034 00EDC350 2081D078 00EE6E40 2081D0F8 00EFD300 2081DA58 010556B0 2081CC58 01023820 2081FFB8 00FEA5B0 2081FFF8 00FEA5B0 20820038 00FEA5B0 2081F998 01041D00 2081F9D8 01041D00 21106598 00FEA5B0 210FE868 00F28BE0 210EB708 00F28BE0 210F3348 010AE000 210F6F98 010AE000 211DFE48 0108C180 2081D6D8 00F12B60 20820078 00E68660 2081D678 00FD4030 2081F518 0104A2D0 2081F558 010DE3C0 2081F798 01080F60 1032F228 000002A3 .........................Last 4 lines not necessary, but reccomended 200FE000 8C820004 200FE004 0806891E 200FE008 AC820000 20166CD8 0C03F800 INSTRUCTIONS: get to the garden of assemblage and go to fight roxas. hold R2 through the roxas battle selection until the cutscene comes on. while in the cutscene, hold L1 until the fight actually starts.Once the fight has started, fire up the anim-mods with R2 at any moment you wish! Enjoy! ^_^
thnx razor umm guys Riku can do ground combos has already been released here tha code : 11CFA3FC 0000089B 01CDCE77 0000002E 21CDCE78 7465736D 21CDCE7C 00000000 01CDCE96 00000005 11CDCE9E 00000002 00340A84 0000008A 20340CE4 00020100 11CEF10C 00000317 (Replcace "0317" with the UWM digits to change Riku's Weapon) 2037A3D8 0016EA14 21CEFF54 48455F57 21CEFF58 00303030 21CEFF5C 00000000 21CEFF60 00000000 21CFC700 40000000
Dump hey can any1 give me an NTSC Dump so i can port codes
here: O Y0V6-RYBX-51QTE KYNX-9TJT-BDCPE /\ KKTF-953J-PCX53 Y7TC-MKVC-7C3RH [ ] 8DAG-3Z52-NN84K 0R30-X4NK-WCEM8 X 4BMN-M5WG-J54K2 FF62-WEQR-Y0H25 oh and btw to use session u r supposed to give him rikus status not moveset
btw tru tha code made by Razor thts tha fix version of antis code and much better tha one u posted is tha modified version and u wont T-stanced when attacking in ground so yea
Keyblade size mod 2036ced0 ???????? 3E19999A - Extremely little 3F000000 - Little 3F800000 - Normal 40000000 - Big 40800000 - Very big 41200000 - Gigantic found this on tha first page