I didn't even notice the person on the right until I looked at it a second time. xD The style is very interesting. The only thing I would say is that the border is a bit too thick; but it's good. ^^ Great job.
Malta...because that's my heritage and I'd love to live there. It's the perfect climate and it's beautiful there. That and it's really close to Italy. 8D
I love this character; very cool. I like the style you used. Two things, though. The shoulders are way too wide for the body that you gave him and the legs seem a bit skinny. It's really good, though. Nice job. ^^
I live in America, but I would love to visit Australia. My friend goes there all the time...lucky.
LOVE that song. One of the best songs by TFK. <3 Anyways, the vid was pretty good; seemed a bit slow for the song, but it was very good. ^^ You use WMM?
I like this style; it's very nice. ^^ The only things that bother me is the hand and the neck. The hand isn't really drawn right and the neck seems just a bit too thin. This is very well drawn, though. Better than anything I could do. Good job. ^^
All of those songs are awesome. I don't like Brand New Day that much, but it's still good. I thought that you would like them. You're welcome. ^^
Dude, those are awesome. I love them both. Now to choose which one to use. xD
Eh, a little better. My mom was driving me crazy tonight.
Hi. 8D How are you?
Wow, now I'm really excited. I was wondering if they were going to make a fourth...now they are. ^^ And the Alice in Wonderland sounds like it would be good...I'm looking forward to that.
Oh, this is so awesome. Now I really can't wait until the game. Thanks for this!
Zombies are awesome. 8D
...dang it.
It's pretty good, but for some odd reason I can't see Shiki that well. I guess I've been on the computer too long. >.< And it's kind of an odd size for an avatar. If I were you, I'd stick to the 100x100 size.
FOXXIE~ Hi. :3
I might start working at Barnes and Noble. They already said I could before I handed in an application. I just need to get my license and they...
I can't stand K-Mart. I haven't been to one in years. Hope your job goes well, though. <3
Ugh, jobs...I need to get one of those. ._. Yeah, I guess. xD I actually found those online...but I forgot where. I would get it too, but I...
Yes. I have been really hyper for the past...week. 8D ...I'm so stupid. xD Going to check them out soon. YES. I want that as well. Square Enix...