No problem. ^^
It means you're posting in really old threads that were basically abandoned. It's fine, considering you're new to site and that you don't know...
This thread is almost a year old... Anyways, since I'm too lazy to check whether I already posted in this thread or not, I'm going to say my vote. Bleach. Death Note never really caught my interest.
All right, could you please stop bumping really old threads? It's against the rules.
Could you please stop bumping old threads? Anyways, couples I like: Rukia and Renji Orihime and Ichigo Haruhi and Tamaki Yuki and Zero
Hello. 8D Team Jacob FTW.
Oh, all right; thank you. Next time, I suggest you use a different text. IMO, the 'v' looks like a deformed heart. xD It's cute, though. ^^
1. Couldn't agree with you more. They could have made it so much harder. 2. If you think it made it too easy, then don't use it. That's what I did. 3. I agree with this as well. Even though it looks cool, it's not necessarily needed. 4. I completely agree with this. I completed the game in three days. That was about 40 days shorter than for the first KH. You would think it would have been harder than the first. 5. I admit, some of them were really long and boring, but some of them were needed. 6. Yeah, some of the worlds shouldn't have come back. Examples would be Atlantica and Hundred Acre Wood. Sure they were good in the first, but there's only so much you can do in one world. 7. I'm going to comment this on Square Enix's point of view. Of course they were going to leave a lot of questions unanswered. They will make more games to answer these questions; fans will see new editions of the games come out and wonder 'will my questions be answered?' and buy the games. It's just another way for them to get more money. IMO, the unanswered questions make the game more interesting.
Even though I'm a girl, I'm going to reply anyways. Xion looks like an awesome character; she's basically a much cooler Kairi. She's probably going to be a very important character and she's probably one of the coolest looking female characters in the game.
It's pretty creative, but I can't read the final word that pops up. What is it?
I'm stuck with GIMP because I don't have the money for CS. =/ GIMP is okay, but I'd rather have Photoshop.
Welcome to the site, Rick. I noticed that you joined in September, so I'm pretty sure you know the rules and such. So just post to your hearts content and stay for a while. Glad to see that you joined. ^^
Hmm, very interesting story. I noticed a few spelling errors, though and one punctuation error. Beginning is spelled wrong. You missed one 'n'. You wouldn't use a semicolon in this sentence, just another comma. A semicolon starts a new idea; it's like a new sentence, but it's added to another one. It's spelled descended. You only missed the 's'; no biggie. You missed an 'm'. Remembered. Also, it's pretty short for a chapter; it's more like a prelude. Another thing; details are your friends. It would be nice to know more about Mike, like his appearance, a little bit of his personality, etc. Sorry if this seems a bit rude or harsh, but my best friend's mom has made me obsessed over grammar and I nitpick at it a lot.
All right, here's what you do. 1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.) 2. Press and hold the Menu and Center (select) buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears about 6 to 8 seconds. If it doesn't work the first time, try it again. It might take a few tries to reset it.
This is very interesting so far; interesting story and concept. The only thing is that there were a few (by few I mean one or two) grammatical errors, sentence wise and such. It's still very well written, though. Great job. ^^
Riku would have to be my favorite character.
I don't see how people could already start hating and bashing a character that they don't even know yet. The only thing we know is that she weilds a keyblade, her name, what she looks like, and that she's in the org. The rest is a mystery. I don't hate; in fact, I like her. She seems like a really cool character and I can't wait until the game so that we can learn more about her.
It's talking about the file size, hun. Not the dimensions of it. I could change the file type, which would make the file size smaller. I'll do that for you right now, actually. Here you go; this should work: Just copy the url. ^^
I used to adore The Magic School Bus. I actually have tapes of the show somewhere in my house. A few other I loved were Tom and Jerry, Gargoyles, and Darkwing Duck.
Star Wars is awesome. Anyways, the sig is very good. I love the way you smudged the background. The only thing that bothers is me is the text, but I honestly don't know how to make it better than what it already is. It's great so far. ^^