Bleach, Ouran High School Host Club, Full Metal Alchemist, and Vampire Knight are my favorites. Oh, and Blood+, but I haven't watched that in over a year.
Knowing me it's going to be a while. xD I've been a member for two years and I'm still not prem...yeah, I'm weird like that. 8D
I love that song. Make Some Noise ~ Krystal Meyers
Everything's the same. I'm getting a lot closer to prem, though.
Oh, I forgot about that....I almost cried at that part. I'll add another one once I think of one. xD
So, anything new with you?
Hello, janime. Welcome to kh-vids! Considering that you've been here for a little while, I think that you already know that you should follow the rules. Just remember to spam only in the spamzone and to post to your heart's content. Oh, and stay active! Hope you like it here~
The fourth one has to be my favorite; it's just so awesome. The first one has very good lighting and the second one has a nice landscape. You did a good job. ^^
Wow, you look like two of my friends combined. It's creepy. o.o Nice picture. ^^
Yeah, it was confusing the first time I played it. I seriously have no idea how to explain it better, though.
Welcome to kh-vids, Cinollex! You'll love it here; just remember to follow the rules, don't spam outside the spamzone, post to your heart's content, and to stay active. If you have any questions, feel free to pm me or any other member. ^^ Hope you like it here!
Mafia - one of the funnest games ever. What happens is someone is the story teller; he chooses the mafia (one to three people), the sheriff (one...
It's very simple; I like it. The only thing that bothers me is the skin. Either that's a really, really, really light shade or you forgot to color it in. I think I see some color on the hand, so I think it's just really light. Try darkening it a bit.
Uh, well it was a bonfire...for the first hour we were basically waiting for random people to show up and we talked. Then we played Mafia, then...
Yeah, it was fun. Was a little boring at some times, but it was fun. 'Cept I only knew...4 people out of 20. xD
Wow, that's very good. Your friend has talent.
It was fun, except for the PSAT. I just got back from a party. How was yours?
Lucky. I was stuck with her. >.<
Heck yes. How are you?
She was being really stupid and random. Even crazier than she usually is. It scared me. ._.